When they find you slain

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Harbringer is informed by Kiki when he comes home that he never saw you come back to Sanctuary, so he goes to look for you outside, heart pounding in his chest. Once he gets to the outside gates, Harbringer sees you lying there on the ground, your body a horrifically mutilated and bloody mess. Harbringer barks at you in his normal tone to wake up, but when you don't seem to move, he gets desperate and repeats his qualms, looking about as scared as he feels. Harbringer breaks down in tears when you fail to respond again and curses the gods for whoever did this to you because heaven be warned....he's knocking some heads.

Kiki is confused when Koga approaches and remarks he didn't see you come back to Sanctuary, so like Harbringer, your sweet cinnamon roll goes to look for you. As soon as Kiki leaves the gates, he immediately finds you slain on the ground, blood pouring from your wound. Kiki immediately freaks out and shakes you in full panic mode, assessing the damage that was done to your body. Kiki repeats your name and shakes you again, but alas, you don't respond at all, so Kiki starts crying. By Athena's name, Kiki would find who did this to you, and he swears they would be dead by tomorrow night.

Fudo searches for you all over Sanctuary and gets a bit worried when Seiya tells him there was no sign of you anywhere. Heart pumping in his chest, Fudo goes to find you. Turns out you were in the forest, your body horribly massacred and bloody. Fudo, unlike his usual calm and quiet demeanor, shakes you and calls your name repeatedly, but alas mi amigos, you do not respond. Fudo breaks down softly, tears streaming down his cheeks, and he vows inwardly to kill whoever dared to murder you in a calming place that you enjoyed.

Seiya's an all-powerful Sagittarius Saint, so anyone who messes with his girlfriend is asking for broken bones.However, there are a few enemies of Seiya's who'd be willing to do such an awful thing. Seiya reacts in a calm manner when his mentoree informs him that he looked all over Sanctuary and can't find you  anywhere. But inside his mind, Seiya's panicking, wondering where the hell you wandered off to in the middle of the night without telling him anything about where you were going. So, the Sagittarius Saint makes it his mission to find you immediately. With the help of the Young Saints, Seiya leaves the gates of Sanctuary to find his lovely girlfriend. He feels your cosmo all of a sudden, but it's faint.Unfortunately, upon passing Mu's temple, Seiya sees something he wasn't expecting. Your body lay on the stairs, which was massively swollen and bloodied beyond any type of repair. You had been beaten to death. By who, Seiya didn't know. Seiya races to your side, demanding you to wake up and answer him. When you make no sound, Seiya repeats his sentence in the same demanding tone, tears pricking at his eyes. Once again, you don't say a damn word. The usually proud and bold Sagittarius Saint begs you in a smaller tone to not leave him, please. Tears are starting to stream down Seiya's cheeks as he futily begs you once more to open your eyes and look at him by Athena's name. You still say nothing, and the floodgates spill open. Seiya buries his face in your chest and sobs deeply, his shoulders shaking heavily under all that gold armor. Seiya doesn't even feel anything when Koga races up to his mentor and embraces his side, his own tears falling down his cheeks in your honor. By Athena's damned name, Seiya swore he would find the people who slaughtered you so cruelly and make them pay with all the pain and love burning through his beating heart. Or so fucking help Athena, the whole world would feel the fiery, heartbroken wrath of Sagittarius Seiya. No one is really able to stop Seiya from going on a full-on rampage for your sake.....and they don't blame him for the way he goes about seeking revenge for his sweet and innocent lover either. Goddammit it all.......

Seiya stands at the balcony on Sanctuary's top level in his quarters, looking at the stars. If only he had gotten there sooner..... Seiya would have been able to save you from whoever was cruel enough to kill his beautiful girlfriend. Seiya grips his fists so tightly that it draws blood just  thinking about seeing that haunting look on your face. Gods.....is this how your life should've ended? No! Seiya wanted to spend his whole life with you, making memories that would last an eternity. Who had the cruel and evil heart to try and take you away from him....? Who was so jealous they'd take to harming the person he loved the most....?

If he had saved you, Seiya would've held you aloft, cuddled with you, and kept you close to his beating heart. But alas... your life had to stop...as did your heart and your soul. How sad....

Seiya slams his fists on the balcony in anger, cursing himself for not being there to save you when you need his aid. Grief painted a pretty picture in Seiya's mind; you, running through the sunflower fields with that happy smile on your face, you and him sharing a quaint little dance on Sanctuary's porch, and most of all, when you kissed his lips for the first time and said you'd be bound to him for life. Your bond had been broken beyond repair....as had Seiya's heart upon seeing you in such agony and pain. Of all the people to target, why did they have to hurt Seiya's other half? Why was it you who left this world? Why didn't he get to say goodbye to you before you died?

Tired and grief-stricken, Seiya slumps against the balcony railing and buries his face in his arms, crying softly to himself at the loss of you. The tears that did fall from Seiya's face.....disappeared into golden sparkles when they splashed against the ground. You were Seiya's other half of his heart....now he's all alone to wander in this world without his love. At the end of the day, you were all Seiya needed......and you'd never be able to find your way back to him.

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