When they find out you're dead

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He is stunned into silence, and the other Saints know that's so unlike him. Poor Harbringer is so upset that he's practically crying while in the middle of training. Koga is worried about the hotblooded man, so he goes to his room every day and brings him food, but inside, he knows nothing will be the same without you around to drive Harbringer crazy and to care for him....

Kiki waits a second before breaking down in tears. Poor little cinnamon roll misses you already, and he's devastated over your death. The other gold saints go to comfort him, of course, but inside, they know someone clearly had the guts to take you away from Kiki. Awwww.....

Tears start spilling down Fudo's face, and he's trying not to cry, but already the heart ache is getting to him, and he can feel a few tears betray his eyes. Fudo had you by his side.....why did you go? Why did you leave so soon?

Seiya is shocked, holding a hand to his mouth and tearing up as he can't believe what he heard. He then excuses himself and lets all of the tears explode from his eyes in the privacy of his own chambers. Seiya is distraught over your death, and with each day passing, it's getting harder and harder to keep up a calm and neutral facade whenever you're mentioned. Koga comes to see Seiya occasionally, and honestly, he's worried about his mentor. You made Seiya's life so happy, and Koga's never seen him smile so big. Now that you're gone, who will Seiya love and cherish for eternity? Who will be the shoulder to cry on when Seiya needs to let it all out? And most of all, who will Seiya keep close to his heart and pray for when you're facing certain death? Seiya won't leave his chambers, and dragging him away from Saint-related tasks seems impossible now that you're gone.Seiya hardly ever even wears his armor anymore, feeling like he doesn't deserve to bear Aiolos' name. Ouch.

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