When they're brainwashed by Europa and almost kill you

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Scenario: Your beloved boyfriend was on a mission to Pallasvelda, and suddenly, Europa brainwashed him with the intent of forcing him to hurt you. However, the sight of you bleeding or in pain will make him go back to normal as love conquers all.

You're nervous when Seiya calls you and said Harbringer isn't like himself at the moment. So you decide to make your way over to Sanctuary and see what you can do to fix that. Truth be told, you're a little unnerved about how Harbringer doesn't scream at you for bothering him like he normally does. Your boyfriend is usually loud and bombastic. Here, though, he's terrifyingly cold and silent. "Harbringer? Love?" You ask worriedly. "Are you okay?" You tense up when he opens surprisingly red eyes and lowly growls,"Yes, but you won't be." "Great Horn!" Harbringer yells with a deep echo to his tone. "Whoa!" You yelled as you were swept away by his powerful attack and slammed into the column behind you. "Ouch." You winced in pain, rubbing your back. That was painful.. but what the heck happened to Harbringer? Wait a minute... His eyes were unusually red. You gasped. Brainwashing. He must've been brainwashed by Europa on that mission. That explains why Seiya warned you Harbringer wasn't himself.Your pained moans snapped Harbringer out of the mind control immediately. "Y/N?" What the hell!" Are you okay?" He yelled, racing over to you. You looked up in surprise hearing his voice, now devoid of any echo. Looking at Harbringer, you find his eyes were no longer an eerie red. Instead, they were back to the same beautiful lilac purple you secretly admired. "Damn it..." Europa scowled, flying away in annoyance. "Their love is too strong. Perhaps I shall try again another time." Harbinger touched your face gently with his hand, barely having the mental strength to look at you. "Y/N....I'm so sorry. His mind control was too strong, and I couldn't break it on my own, which you may find strange cause I'm usually very strong. I promise you that if this happens again, I won't let that clownish bastard penetrate my mind, ever." You softly smiled, gripping his hand. "I know. That's why I trust you so much, Bring. You'll always come back to me, no matter what happens to you. Our love is strong enough to overpower any obstacle." Harbringer looked up and gave you a half smile. "Thanks, Y/N. I know I never say this, like, ever, but I love you. So much." Harbringer grinned, pulling you into a tender and warm kiss. You reciprocated, hotly kissing his waiting lips. You meant what you said before.  Harbringer would never lose sight of your love. He would always come back to you, no matter what happened to him. After all, Harbringer isn't the all-powerful Taurus Saint for nothing......

You huffed out a sigh and continued to walk down the gaunt hallways of what used to be Lady Pallas's castle.
Kiki had called you to say that something happened to Fudo on their mission and to be careful upon arrival because he wasn't himself at the moment. And that's why you were in Pallasvelda to find out why Fudo was not himself, as Kiki said. Almost immediately, you felt an explosion of golden cosmo coming from one of the rooms. "Fudo..." You whispered worriedly, knowing exactly who that cosmo belonged to. Once you got into that room, the first thing you saw was Fudo's eyes. They were no longer purple and yellow. Instead, your beloved's eyes were now a deep, bloody red. "Y/N....it's time for you to die.My love, I'd rather strike you down than kiss you again." Fudo seethed, his red eyes seeming to glow a bit brighter somehow. You gulped, stepping backward. "Wait, Fudo!" Too late. Fudo blasted you with a ball of fire, and you were thrown back hard, straight into the wall. "Ow..." You groaned, rubbing your head in pain as Fudo walked closer to you. Out of nowhere, you felt the evil cosmo disappear from Fudo's soul. "Fudo...?" you ask nervously as the eyes of your boyfriend turned back to his normal yellow and purple color. "Y/N...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you, darling. I promise you, I wasn't in my right mind. Please forgive me." Fudo whispered, stroking your face softly and looking down with a sad expression. "Fudo, of course I forgive you." You said, taking his hand and squeezing it. "I know you'll never hurt me otherwise. You mean too much to me. There's no way I'll ever let you go." Fudo smiled, squeezing your hand back. "I love you, Y/N."I love you too, my Fudo." And you two kissed warmly the entire time in Lady Pallas's castle, all on your own. You knew in the bottom of your heart that Fudo would never hurt you. His love for you was strong enough to break through any evil saint's mind control, and your love for him was the same.

You sighed, laying back on the couch and groaning. Kiki hadn't returned back from his mission yet, and you were getting worried he was in trouble. It was a neverending cycle with Kiki. Whenever he put his life on the line to save Athena, danger approached him faster than he could blink. You just hoped Kiki would be alright out there. Speaking of, you heard a strange noise outside.
You stood up and opened the door with curiosity. To your surprise, you saw Kiki standing there on the doorstep. However, this didn't feel like the cosmo of your sweet Kiki. This was a darker, more dangerous power at work here. Kiki's eyes were bright red and glowed brighter with every step you took towards him. "Y/N..." Kiki hissed lowly. "I should just kill you where you stand. Right here, right now." With no warning whatsoever, Kiki grabbed you off the doorstep and threw you halfway across the courtyard. You landed painfully in a bush with brambles, which cut your leg pretty deep through the skin. Great. Kiki saw you sitting there wincing and holding your bleeding leg. Within seconds, the mind control wore off. "Y/N?" You looked up. Kiki was standing in front of you, his eyes tearful. "A-Are you okay, baby?" His eyes were back to being those beautiful baby blues you loved so dearly, rather than the color of red blood."I'm okay, Kiki." You smiled a bit, watching Kiki frown and look down. "Y/N....I'm sorry for hurting you. It won't happen again, I promise. You're my baby, and I never want you to get hurt, especially when I am the one who does so. Please forgive me." Kiki pouted, crossing his arms and huffing out a sigh. "It's alright, Kiki. I forgive you, my love." You say before hugging him tightly. Kiki reciprocates, burying his face in your neck and stroking your e/c hair. Despite Kiki's attack being painful, you knew he didn't mean it. Europa made him do that to you. But that didn't mean you didn't still love Kiki. He was not in his right mind to understand what he was doing, so of course you forgave Kiki. He's your sweetheart, after all.

"Seiya?" You ask tentatively, looking around for your boyfriend in the courtyard. He hadn't responded to you all day, which worried you, so naturally, you went out to search for him. Suddenly, you felt a familiar golden cosmo approach you, and you tensed up. Something about Seiya's cosmo felt different. More...evil. But you didn't have time to ponder that as Seiya grabbed your wrist and dragged you up to face him, allowing you to see his eyes. They weren't the calm and warm brown eyes you loved so much. Instead, Seiya's eyes had now changed to a sharp blood red, almost the color of Aprodhite's poisonous roses. Seiya threw you down, practically spitting out his words with venom. "I will make you bleed the way I do every day, Y/N. There will be a small bit of pain in your body compared to the blood you'll lose today. " You gulped, skidding back when Seiya's fist almost caught your face."Atomic Lightning Bolt!" Seiya thundered as he shot a powerful blast of lightning at you. "Ah!" You yelled as the sheer force of Seiya's attack blew you backward. Unfortunately, you just so happened to crash into a rock, and your arm immediately began to bleed. Seiya's eyes were back to being almond brown, much to your shock as you looked up to see him. His vision caught sight of your injured arm when you tried to hide it, and Seiya looked solemn."Oh Y/N, forgive me. I did not mean to hurt you. That fool Europa was controlling my mind, and I was not able to think my actions through. I feel awful that not only did I compromise my integrity as a Saint, I managed to injure the love of my life. Your blood is on my hands, Y/N." Seiya was crying now, tears streaming down his cheeks as he tried in vain to wipe them away. "Seiya, I know you weren't in control of your actions and that you didn't mean to hurt me. You didn't choose to injure my arm, Europa manipulated you into taking my life. Therefore, he is to blame, not you. " You said, hugging Seiya to your chest as he cried into your shoulder. "Gods I love you, Y/N." Seiya sniffled tearfully, sobbing a little. "I love you too, my knight." You grinned, your grip tightening on Seiya as you listened to his silent sobs. No matter what, your love would prevail regardless of the danger it posed to you. Of course, when you guys were in trouble, being in a relationship with a gold saint would cost you, but the good thing is, the kindness and love your cosmos exhibit is strong enough to surpass even the likes of your goddess Athena. Whether your life or Seiya's life was on the line, you knew damn well that the both of you would crawl into hell just to drag each other's soul back to the land of the living. That's how powerful your relationship is;even the strongest brainwashing can't break it down.

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