When they see you cry

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Instant ass-kicking mode, full stop. As soon as Harbringer sees a single tear fall down your cheek, man is immediately asking whose bones he needs to snap in order for you to stop looking so damn sad. When you ignore him for the time being and tearfully snuggle into his chest, Harbringer decides the ass-kicking can wait as making you happy again is his priority. Yeah, this man isn't the best at being warm and comforting, but when you're upset, he'll try his damn near best to make sure that awesome smile of yours shines brighter than the sun....

Kiki is quite logical and calculating, but don't think for a second he isn't emotional either. When he sees you weeping outside on Sanctuary's porch, Kiki instantly pulls you into a hug, reassuring you that everything is alright. The sight of your tears makes Kiki's heart drop lower than the god killer arrow that was in Saori's chest, and he has to force his eyes not to shed tears as well. You usually stay in Kiki's chambers if you're feeling down because you know your sweet goofball will be there to comfort you as the protector of your smile...

Fudo comes off as emotionless and cold, but he really has a heart of gold underneath all that chilliness. When he sees you crying, Fudo instantly wraps his arms around you and silently whispers that whatever happened doesn't matter now because he is here for you. If his hug doesn't fix your saddened state, Fudo will gently dig his fingers around your scalp to calm you down instead. That usually works, and you spend the rest of the night with your shy guy, who vows to keep you smiling as long as he can still move his legs and arms...

You, crying? Oh goodness, prepare for the motherload of comfort and warmth from your honorable Sagittarius boyfriend. Seiya is able to sense your depressed cosmo from miles away, making him suspicious because he's detecting it from an unknown place. Seiya is on his way immediately though, sending Koga to look after Saori for a while because his girlfriend needs attending to.When Seiya eventually does find you, you'll most likely be in the bushes or sitting next to the statue of Athena, wiping your eyes and looking quite miserable. Despite Seiya being cold and unemotional in battle, his stoic personality usually cracks in front of the people he loves, and you are no exception. So the minute you look up at him with those heartbreaking tear-filled eyes and quivering lip, Seiya's heart practically implodes in his chest. Before you can even blink, Sagittarius Seiya is holding you in a comforting but tight grip, one hand running through your long hair and the other gently supporting your back. Your pain and sadness are strong enough to move Seiya so much so that he starts crying as well. When you hear Seiya's quiet sobs echoing in your shoulder, you sniffle tearfully and tighten your grip on him, knowing how powerful sadness can be for a Saint. You guys stay like that for a while, you sniffing silently and Seiya weeping soundlessly. That day, your boyfriend vowed that he would never let the darkness consume your pure heart.

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