{14. Identity Reveal}

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"I'm so sick of keeping our identities a secret! Why can't we just reveal our identities to each other? Nino and Alya both know their hero identities so why are they the only knows allowed to know?! Wouldn't it be much easier if we knew our identities, m'lady?" Chat Noir said to Ladybug after defeating another villain as they were on the rooftop of a building and they both had two minutes left before they de-transformed back but Chat wanted to know Ladybug's identity since he was sick of keeping their identities secret from one another.

"I'm sorry Chat Noir but we can't know each other's identities because our families could be put into danger by Hawkmoth or we could be put into danger. Alya and Nino know their identities because I had to give their Miraculous at the same time since we had to defeat Hawkmoth's army of villains. Besides we should go home before we de transform back," Ladybug said to Chat Noir as she was about to use her yo-yo to swing back home but Chat stopped her and he pulled her to closer to him.

"I'm not letting you escape from me, m'lady. I want to know your identity so please don't go. We both deserve to know. We can't keep hiding them forever and you know it!" Chat said to Ladybug as her earrings beeped, signalling she had a minute left before she de-transformed and she tried to pull away from her partner but he had a tight grip on her wrist.

"Let me go, Chat! We're not supposed to find out this way! You can't force me to reveal my identity to you!" Ladybug said as she managed to get her wrist free from Chat's grip but just as she was about to leave, her earrings beeped one last time and she was de-transforming in front of Chat. She couldn't do anything even if she tried as eventually she fully de-transformed and she was back in her civilian self again while Chat gasped in shock since he finally knew who Ladybug was.

"Marinette? You're Ladybug? The one who I have been flirting with non-stop, hoping you would fall for me? The one who's been by my side all this time? I can't believe it's you," Chat said as Marinette gave Tikki a macaroon and she was angry with Chat for making her stay behind but she couldn't do anything about it now.

"Yes it's me, Chat. I told you that we shouldn't reveal our identities this way but you didn't listen to me! Why didn't you just listen?!" Marinette said as Chat sighed and he also de-transformed in front of Marinette, revealing to her his identity. This time it was Marinette's turn to gasp in shock as she couldn't believe that the one who she had been crushing on had been by her side all this time and she felt so stupid for not knowing sooner.

"I'm sorry Marientte but I couldn't hide my identity from the girl that I love," Adrien said to Marinette as he gave Plagg a piece of camembert and he smiled at Marinette who was surprised at the sudden confession from Adrien. Sure she was hoping that he loved her too but she didn't expect him to confess like this.

"Wait you love me? For real? I must be dreaming right now," Marinette said as she pinched herself but she definitely felt the pain and knew that none of this was a dream as this was all actually happening. Adrien pulls Marientte closer to him as their lips are inches away and Marinette could feel her heartbeat quicken slightly at what was happening. He leans forward, kissing Marinette on the lips as she kisses him back while Tikki smiles for them and Plagg smirks since he is secretly glad that his naive owner had finally realised his feelings for Marientte.

They both pull away from the kiss afterwards as they both had to head home before their parents got really worried about them so once their Kwamiis had finished eating and were recharged, they both transformed into their hero personas. Marinette kissed Adrien's cheek before she used her yo-yo to swing back home and she bid farewell to her partner. Adrien smiled to himself as he jumped from building to building in order to get home. Now that he knew the identity of Ladybug, Adrien was glad to know it was the girl that he loved and Marinette was also glad to know that Adrien was Chat Noir.

Word count: 769

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