{30. Emma, Louis and Hugo}

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"Kids. It's time to go to sleep so get in your beds please," Marinette said to her three children, Emma, Louis and Hugo as they headed to their separate bedrooms. Adrien picks up a book as he heads to their daughter's room to read her a story before she went to bed and Marinette went to their youngest son's room to read him a story.

"Ready for today's bedtime story, Emma?" Adrien said as she nodded in agreement and he opens up the book before he began to read the story to her. After few minutes, Adrien was finished with the story as Emma had fallen asleep and he closed the book before he kissed her on the forehead. He whispered 'good night' to her as he leaves her room and closes the door. He heads to Louis' bedroom as he enters the room and he goes over to him.

"And then the princess along with the prince lived together in their own castle. The end," Marinette said as she closed the book and she saw Hugo was asleep so she kisses his check before she leaves the bedroom, closing the door behind her. She heads to Louis' bedroom next as she sees Adrien already telling Louis a story and she enters the room.

"The heroes save the day by defeating the villain and they celebrate by having ice cream together. The end," Adrien said as he closed the book and he smiles when he sees his wife enter the room. Marinette walks over to Louis' bed as she kisses his forehead and they both say 'good night' to Louis before they leave the bedroom, heading to their shared bedroom. Once they enter the room, they both lay down as Marinette turned off the lamp and she snuggles close to her husband.

"Our kids managed to get to sleep quicker than yesterday and it's thanks to the bedtime stories," Marinette said to Adrien as he nods in agreement and they were glad to have three amazing kids together after being married for nearly eight years. Having Emma, Louis and Hugo was the best thing that has happened to them and they couldn't be more happier. They were so proud of their kids and they were glad to be parents to such wonderful kids.

Word count: 385

A/N: BTW Emma is eight years old, Louis is six years old and Hugo is five years old. Also Marinette and Adrien are adults who are 29 and 31 respectively.

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