{24. Boyfriend And Girlfriend}

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Finally. After realising their feelings towards each other and confessing to one another, they were finally dating. Adrien and Marinette were finally dating after two years of wondering if their feelings were genuine or not. Their friends were really glad and supportive they were dating ever since they found out about their relationship. Adrien and Marinette were glad to be together as a couple since they enjoyed spending time together.

"I'm so glad to be your girlfriend, Adrien. Every moment we spend other is precious to me and I wouldn't have it any other way," Marinette said to Adrien as they were currently chatting about random things in their shared apartment when Marientte decided to tell Adrien how much she loved him and he smiled at her. They both loved each other so much as they loved being a couple and they definitely didn't want it any other way.

"It's good to hear that, Marientte and I'm also glad to be dating an extraordinary girl like you. You're amazing, kind, caring, loving and you're incredible. I love how you're willing to help others. Being your boyfriend is one of the best things that has ever happened to me and I wouldn't want to any other way either. If you weren't in my life right now then I would definitely be stuck doing something else but with you in my life, you always know how to brighten my mood whenever I'm feeling down. You're the best girlfriend ever, Marientte. I will love you forever and always," Adrien said to Marientte as she smiled and they both shared a quick kiss before pulling away.

"Save your wedding vows for when we get married, Adrien. Anyways all jokes aside but you're an amazing boyfriend and I love being your girlfriend. I'm glad we're both boyfriend and girlfriend," Marinette said to Adrien as he laughed at her joke about wedding vows and he agreed that what he said before did sound like something you would say as part of your wedding vows.

"I guess my words did sound like something you would say as wedding vows but I meant every single thing that I said and I will repeat those exact words again at our wedding," Adrien said as Marinette chuckled and she lightly smack his arm since he knew how romantic her boyfriend would get from time to time but she didn't hate it at all. Being boyfriend and girlfriend meant a lot to them as they were glad to be together but they wondered what the future would hold for them. Whatever happened, they both knew they would face it together and deal with whatever life throws at them.

Word count: 449

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