bad reputation

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Rebecca looked up and wiped away her ruined makeup. "I don't know if you can Lucius." He sigh and sat down next to her. "You look lovely darling," Lucius was proud of himself for choosing that dress knowing that Rebecca would look so good in it he would love to take it off instantly. She didn't respond to his compliment.

He waited a moment before he started speaking about the heavy topic. "I didn't know eather Rebecca. Father told me after I had left. Narcissa and her parents were already here when I arrived." Her eyes began to fill up with tears again.
"But why her? I am a pure blood too and we are even from the same family..." Lucius interrupted her. "I guess it's just that Narcissa is older than you and my father is more in contact with her father." Rebecca's hand wandered towards her medallion. "Did you even say something towards your father? Did you fight for us?" Lucius leaned towards her. "Darling if I had said something about our relationship... I don't even wanna think about your reputation."

Rebecca shook her head in disbelief. That was his reason. This couldn't be it. They loved each other way too much. That's at least what Rebecca thought until now.

"And what's that with your brother why him? I don't want to marry him. He's crazy. We already hated us in school." Rebecca started to remember some things Septimus did back at school. He tortured some owls and sometimes even other students at Hogwarts.
Lucius face got very serious. "You will not marry him. I won't let that happen."

"I can't believe after all what happened today mother dragged me all the way here to this," she says more to herself. "Why? what happened?" Lucius asked concerned. "I don't wanna talk about it at the moment. Can we just walk a little as long as they are not missing us?" Lucius took her hand. He had so big hands that hers looked so small. "Of course darling," he whispered.

He laid his arm around her to keep her from the cold and to feel close to her one last time. They wandered off into the dark around the huge property until almost back at the mansion. Lucius looked down on her. Wiping away a tear that had rolled out of her beautiful eyes. "I can't believe I'm going to lose you" Rebecca swallowed as another lump was about to build up in her throat by his words. "You're not going to lose me", it breaks out of her mouth, "run away with me." Her hands are holding tight onto his hoping to not let go. "I would do it in a heartbeat," he said as his fingers danced around hers, "but it's not possible my dear."

Pleading she looked up at him. "Don't marry her. Please don't." Before Lucius could say anything they quickly let go off each other's hands. "REBECCA!" Her mother screamed. Rebeccas eyes flashed before her eyes. Regulus came sprinting behind them. "I'm sorry I tried," he said gasping for air. Her mother turned around as she was followed by Lucius younger brother. "Septimus I am so sorry. Don't worry I will fix this... issue immediately." If looks could kill. Septimus would have killed his brother and Walburger her daughter.

"Rebecca home. NOW!" Rebecca wanted to hold on Lucius but her mother grabed onto her shoulder to lead her away. "Goodbye Lucius", she said under tears.

The whole Black family arrived at Grimmauld place number 12. Walburga almost pushed her daughter into the living room. Her hand had a hard grip onto her wand. Rebecca knew what that meant. She will get hurt. "How long has this been going on?" Walburga asked angry. "I... I am so sorry mother", she sobbed. "Don't make me repeat myself." Rebecca let out a quiet sob before she said with all her courage: "long enough that I can ask him not to marry her." Walburga didn't even looked disappointed. She was just angry and full of hate for her daughter. "CRUCIO," she said as she pointed her wand at Rebecca. She fell to her knees holding her head with her hands. Rebecca screamed as her body felt like getting stabbed with millions of needles. Her head was about to explode. "Stop! Mom make it stop!" She screamed as her voice almost had no sound anymore. "Walburga stop it. NOW!" Orion stepped forward. He was also very disappointed in his daughter but he didn't like her getting hurt. Walburga lowered her wand. Her facial expression didn't change.

Regulus stood there. His head down. His face showed not one emotion but he played nervously with his fingers in his pocket.
Orion laid his hands on his daughter's head. "Dad please help me. I'm not feeling good," Rebecca said. Her eyes were closed and her voice was just a whisper. "Get her out of my face," Walburga said. "Regulus bring your sister upstairs. She needs to rest," Orion said while trying to sound not to worried. Regulus head shot up. "Yes father." He carefully picked his twin sister up and carried her in her room.

While carrying his sister upstairs they both could hear their parents argue. "That wasn't necessary Walburga. We knew about their relationship."
"Yes we knew about it and I haven't killed," their mother said. "By Merlin should I thank you for not killing our daughter just because she fell in love with the wrong Malfoy?" Someone closed the door loudly.

They arrived in Rebecca's room. He laid her down in her bed and sat down at the edge. His jaw tightened. He was angry at his sister, at his parents but also so angry at himself.
Regulus wanted to say something but decided against it. He stood up. Threw the blanket over Rebecca and went into his room.

A few weeks had gone by. Rebecca wasn't allowed to leave the house. The risk for her parents was to high that she would meet up with Lucius. Rebecca's wand was also put away and Kreacher had to be close around her room all the time. She cried often. Her eyes wouldn't stop burning from it. They were puffy and red.

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