the library

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Rebecca went up and down the corridor looking at the different art work standing around. After a few minutes had past Lucius grandma still wasn't back.
Maybe she should finally get it together and make it through the night or she should run away alone. No that wouldn't work. They would find her everywhere. Her family had put a blood curse on her to always track her since she had broken their trust.

Footsteps could be heard on the Marmore ground. For a second she thought she needed to hide somewhere but a familiar voice broke the silence. "Rebecca...," Lucius quietly said her name. "What are you doing here? We shouldn't talk to each other alone." Rebecca looked up at him. He walked closer towards her. Taking her hands in his. "I tried everything I could to get you out of there. I even asked Sirius but he said he couldn't even enter your house. Then there is Regulus but let's better not talk about him."

He wrapped his arms around her as she started to sob. "Please love stop crying." Lucius comforted her while he held her tight. They never wanted to let go of each other but it was too risky standing around like that. "Come with me," he whispered still holding her hand.

At the end of the corridor he opened up a door. It was a huge library with thousands of books. Rebecca's eyes winded as she saw that there was even another floor that was connected through a spiral staircase. Lucius moved his wand closing the door so no one could enter. Then he waved his wand a second time to lit a fire. The lighting made it cozy immediately.

"Are we really alone here?" He chuckled at her question. She wondered if any portraits would be spying on them. "Don't worry here I banned all of them a long time ago since I'm the only one coming here." He sat down on a green velvet couch and made a gesture for her to join him. "My father doesn't come here since he isn't feeling that well at the moment also it was my mother's favourite place. He doesn't want to be reminded about her and Septimus is just an idiot who isn't interested in books."

Rebecca laughed a little for the first time in a while. Lucius turned more towards her. Without any words they are just admiring each other. Lucius lets his arm fall on her shoulder while his hand is playing with her neck. He pulls her closer towards his face. They lean in to kiss each other but stops before their lips meet.  "You look so beautiful," he whispers, "I missed you so much." Rebecca's stomach tingled by his words and he made her forget for a moment all the pain she went through the last few weeks.

She pressed her lips on his and immediately felt like she was about to explode but in a good way. Their touch didn't feel any different than before all of it happened but they knew that they wanted more now. Their tongues danced around each others while he gently pressed her delicate body into the cushion. He kept kissing her throat down to her collarbone...

*Im sorry I can't ride smut so that's all you guys get for the moment*

They held each other for a while. Lucius admired her body while he kissed her here and there again. Then Lucius zipped back up Rebecca's dress. He kissed her gently from behind on her neck. Rebecca turned around and looked up at him while crossing her arms.

"Now what? I will not be your mistress?"
"The marriage between you and my brother won't happen. I will kill him if he touches you." Lucius tightened his jaw but softens his gaze again. "You are mine remember that," he says as he caressed her cheek. Rebecca raised her eyebrows. "Sure go tell that your wife." Lucius scuffed at her cheeky sentence. "Touché." He gave her another kiss and then puts back on his tie and suit jacket. She made tiny steps towards him. "Maybe they are already searching for us," she smirked at him. "How exciting." Rebecca held on his suit. "What a scandal Lucius Malfoy vanished from his own wedding." "Yes what a scandal," he said and wrapped his arms again around her waist to have her near him again. She laid her head against his chest and listened to his heartbeat while he kissed her forehead and then rested his chin on her hair.

They stood there for a while because they were definitely not ready to let go.

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