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The first week was the hardest as she had to put aside her feelings and focus on learning. When the day had come she made her way to the ministry.
Rebecca's heart pounded in her chest as she approached the grand, ornate doors of the Ministry for Magic. She took a deep breath, steeling herself for the challenge ahead.

Inside, the atmosphere was a blend of hushed whispers and bustling activity. Wizards and witches in robes of various colors hurried past, each absorbed in their own tasks. Rebecca navigated the labyrinthine corridors, her mind racing with the spells and constellations she had studied so diligently.
Finally, she arrived at the examination hall. The room was vast, with high ceilings adorned with enchanted stars that twinkled and shifted, mimicking the night sky. At the front of the room stood a panel of stern-looking examiners, their eyes sharp and assessing.
"Miss Black, please step forward," one of them called out.

She took her place at the center of the room, feeling the weight of their gazes upon her. The first part of the exam was a practical demonstration of her knowledge. She was asked to identify and explain various celestial phenomena, cast spells to replicate the movements of planets, and even predict the alignment of stars for the coming year.
Rebecca's hands moved with confidence, her voice steady as she answered each question. The hours seemed to blur together as she poured all her knowledge and passion into her performance. When the practical portion was over, she was given a brief respite before the written exam began.
As she sat down to write, Rebecca felt a sense of calm wash over her. She had prepared for this moment, and now it was time to prove herself. The questions were challenging, but she tackled them with determination, her quill flying across the parchment.
When the exam finally concluded, Rebecca felt a mixture of exhaustion and relief. She had given it her all, and now all she could do was wait for the results. As she left the ministry, the sun was setting, casting a golden glow over the city. Rebecca looked up at the sky, feeling a sense of hope and anticipation for what the future might hold.

As Rebecca walked away from the ministry, her thoughts drifted to those she had lost. Lucius Malfoy, with his enigmatic charm and unwavering support, had been a significant part of her life. The lake house in the woods, once filled with his presence, now stood as a silent reminder of their time together. She missed him deeply, the ache in her heart a constant companion.

Her brother, Regulus Black, was another source of her sorrow. Disappearing under mysterious circumstances, Rebecca clung to the hope that he was still alive somewhere, fighting his own battles. The uncertainty of his fate weighed heavily on her, but she refused to give up hope. She often found herself gazing at the stars, wondering if he was looking at the same sky, thinking of her.

Sirius, her older brother, was a different story. His rebellious spirit and fierce loyalty had always been a source of both frustration and admiration for Rebecca. She knew he was out there, somewhere, fighting against the darkness that threatened their world. The thought of him brought a bittersweet smile to her lips, a reminder of the family ties that bound them all.

As she made her way back to the lake house, the familiar path through the woods brought a sense of solace. The trees whispered secrets in the wind, and the lake shimmered under the moonlight, a tranquil oasis amidst the chaos of her thoughts. The house, though empty, held memories of laughter, love, and shared dreams.
Rebecca entered the house, the silence greeting her like an old friend. She lit a fire, the warmth spreading through the room, chasing away the chill of loneliness. Sitting by the window, she looked out at the serene landscape, her mind filled with thoughts of Lucius, Regulus, and everyone else she had lost. Sometimes she thought that there had to be a curse on the whole family.

Despite the solitude, Rebecca felt a sense of determination. She had faced the challenges of the exam, and now she would face the challenges of her heart. The journey ahead was uncertain, but she knew she had the strength to navigate it.

The days past by sometimes slow when she missed Lucius or her family other days past by quick when she could forget about the world around her. She took a lot of swims in the lake. Read every book that was laying around and started a new hobby. Painting. She painted a lot of trees and lakes.

One evening she had just come out of the lake. Her heart skipped a beat by the sight of her former house elf. "Kreacher how did you find out where I would be?" Rebecca asked surprised. "Miss Black..." Kreacher didn't know where to look so he nervously walked up and down the front porch. "Yes Kreacher? What are you doing?" She raised an eyebrow. "Look at me!" The bony house elf reached for a dress that was hanging over the railing. "Oh," was the only thing that Rebecca said quietly as she realised that she was still only wearing a bikini. "Miss Black... it's about your mother..." Rebecca crossed her arms as she got into a defensive position. "What is it now Kreacher? Spill it out." He tried to find the right words. "She has past away in her sleep last night." Her eyes widened. "My mother is dead?" Rebecca asked in disbelief. She felt sorrow, sad and most of all relieved. "Yes.  You can come home now." Rebecca took a deep breath. "Well that is really tactless if she isn't really dead and just wants me to come home." Kreacher shook his head. "Mistress Walburga Black is dead." Rebecca nervously started chewing on her inner lips and cheeks. Her heart begun to hurt. Her eyes becoming slightly teary as it  was still her mother that had died. "First I loose Lucius than Father, Regulus and now her." She sat down. "My whole family is gone." Kracher nervously came a little closer but not knowing what to do. "Master Sirius is still alive." I slightly smile at the way he tried to cheer me up. "Thank you Kreacher for informing me. I will come home in the next few days. Please take care of her. I don't want to have anything to do with it." She sat down on the front steps of the porch. "Are you sure Miss Black?" Kreacher asked. Rebecca nodded. Kreacher nodded too and was gone within seconds.

Rebecca sat on the front steps of the porch, the weight of Kreacher's news settling heavily on her shoulders. The evening air was cool against her skin, but she barely noticed. Her mind was a whirlwind of emotions—grief, relief, and a profound sense of loss. Her mother, Walburga Black, had been a formidable presence in her life, and despite their complicated relationship, the news of her death struck a deep chord.
She stared out at the tranquil lake, its surface reflecting the fading light of the day. Memories of her family flooded her mind. Now, with her mother gone, it felt as though the last ties to her past were unraveling.
"Master Sirius is still alive," Kreacher had said. The thought brought a small, bittersweet smile to her lips. Sirius, with his rebellious spirit and unwavering loyalty, was a beacon of hope in these dark times. She knew he was out there, somewhere, fighting for a better world.

Rebecca took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. She had to be strong, not just for herself, but for the memory of those she had lost. She would return to her family home, but on her own terms. She needed time to process, to grieve, and to find her path forward.
The next few days passed in a blur. Rebecca packed her belongings, her movements mechanical and detached. The lake house, once a sanctuary, now felt like a place of transition. She knew she couldn't stay here forever, but it had given her the space she needed to gather her strength.

On the morning of her departure, Rebecca stood by the lake one last time. The water was calm, a mirror to her turbulent emotions. She whispered a silent farewell to the life she had known. With a final, lingering look, she turned and made her way to the edge of the woods, where Kreacher awaited her.
"Miss Black, are you ready?" the house elf asked, his voice gentle.
Rebecca nodded, her resolve firm. "Yes, Kreacher. Let's go home."

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