Enough tears

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The next couple of days passed by very slowly. Rebecca had spent day and night at home. Sorted her whole closet after colours. Read every book in her room. Learned again for her exam that she would take as soon as she got the chance to leave and much more.

For the first time in weeks she had taken off the medallion that Lucius had gifted her. Her fingers played with the golden chain. She opened the locket and closed it again and again. Click. Click. Click...

Eventually she rolled over and out of her bed. She moisturised her face that had become dry like earth from crying. She had enough from crying and pain. She probably could have filled up oceans with all the tears she had shed. It was time to start over and work on the future she wanted for herself.

She went upstairs to her brothers room. He came down once in a while to check on her but now days had gone by and she hadn't seen him. His door was wide open. With her shoulder leaned against the doorframe she asked him if he had a minute or two to talk. Rebecca was shocked to see in what kind of condition her twin brother was. He looked pale and was skinnier than before. His eyes looked clear even tho they once were dark brown. Dark circles under his eyes while his face looked like he was a skeleton.

"I have no time for your love drama," he suddenly said, "marry Septimus and move on. Who cares? I need to go." Regulus shrinked some things and put them in a bag. "Where are you going?" she asked but he ignored her. She stepped closer into the room. "Look at me!" Rebecca said louder and angrier moving her hand to make his bag fly across the room. "You practiced your wandless magic?" He said slightly impressed. "I had to since they won't give me back my wand. Now tell me where you are going. I'm still your sister and I'm sorry but you look awful." Worried she furrowed her eyebrows. "I won't tell you," he said as he put on his cloak that was now way too big for him. "You are sadly not the only death eater I know so tell me what he wants you to do."
"For the last time. I am not telling you. It's for your own good," he stepped closer towards her, "you need to trust me." Rebecca nodded her head. "I will take Kreacher with me. Everything will be fine," Regulus said and took his bag with him. He stoped next to her. "Goodbye." Without saying anything else Regulus walked down the stairs. Rebecca swallowed as she realised that he said goodbye like they would never see each other again. "Regulus wait!" But he didn't stop. He was gone.

Rebecca walked back into her room letting herself fall onto her little armchair. Her head began to hurt again. Has now the time come where she was going to loose her brother forever?

She couldn't even finish her thoughts as her mother stormed into her bedroom without knocking. "Stop crying now! Do you think I wanted to marry your father? Get over it," she said angrily. "I'm not crying because of Lucius. I'm just tired of everything." Walburga walked over to Rebecca's closet and started to take her clothes out. "Stand up and get dressed. We get guests. Make yourself pretty so they won't run away screaming." Walburga looked disgusted and let a black dress fall on her daughter. Rebecca asked herself what she did that her mother had always hated her so much but there was no answer.

"Did Regulus tell you where he went," she tried to ask. "It's none of your business." "I'm just worried about him that something will happen to him." Completely ignoring her daughter's worries she went away.

With a heavy heart Rebecca changed into the outfit her mother threw at her. It was a beautiful long black dress with slightly puffy arms. She opened up her bun and brushed through her thick her. She walked over to her make up table and tried out her new skills she had learned over the past few weeks. By just thinking her fingertips tickled. She moved her hand in front of her face and her make up looked fresh and beautiful again.

Rebecca came down the stairs. A few steps were left when she stopped as she saw Abraxas Malfoy  standing in the entryway. Her hands tightened around the railing. "Ahh there she is the brightest star on the night sky. Presious Rebecca", Abraxas said. Rebecca didn't want to move an inch but she saw the angry look of her mother. "Why are you here Mr. Malfoy?" Rebecca asked. She knew exactly why he was here. Carefully she made her way more down. When she stopped again. "Hello Rebecca," it was Septimus. She swallowed. Her eyebrows furrowed. "Never mind... I see." She said disappointed and walked down the rest of the stairs.

Walburga pushed out a fake smile. "Abraxas please come with me. Rebecca take Septimus with you into the living room."
"Yes you two get to know each other better while Walburga and I take care of a few wedding things," Abraxas said.
"Great," Rebecca rolled her eyes. "Perfect," said Septimus not amused.

They walked in a room that was only used for guests.
Septimus sat down on the couch like he owned the place. Rebecca stood there in the room. Her arms were crossed in front of her body. She was annoyed and would like to leave right now. Septimus looked at her. Probably waiting for her to sit down. "How is Lucius doing? Enjoying his honeymoon?" Septimus eyes shifted into an angry facet. "You have the nerve to ask about my brother?"
"Since I'm not interested in you yes. Yes I ask something that I really want to know." Septimus leans forward while his arms rest on his thighs. His gaze darkened. "Do you really believe that Lucius comes and saves you? That you can live happily ever after? If he would love you like you say he does he would already have done something about it but he didn't. He hasn't even tried to ask father." Rebecca stood there for a moment. Those words really hurt but she tried to don't let her expression slip. "You're a fool if you believe you can change anything. We will follow our family legacy. You should feel honoured to marry into our family." he stood up and towered over her.
"You are mine now. You will obey me and if you don't you will find out what I'm capable of." There was the psycho that Rebecca remembered all to well back when they were classmates at Hogwarts. "Do you understand?" She nodded. "Say it!" He came even closer. "Yes I understand," she whispered. "Good," he smirked confident.

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