Surprise surprise

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Septimus and Rebecca arrived at a mansion outside of London. Abraxas had gifted them the property as a wedding gift. Two tiny house-elf's opened the massive wooden door and let them in.

"Let me help you," Septimus said. Suspiciously Rebecca raised an eyebrow but she let him help her. His eyes widened in shock. "What are you wearing? Cover yourself immediately!" He said loudly and pressed her cloak back against her. Rebecca laughed at his reaction. As Septimus was in shock he hadn't noticed that Lucius had arrived behind them.

He looked up and down at the perfect silhouette of his former love. He smiled but shook his head.
"Why Septimus? It's a beautiful sight. You should be proud to have such a beautiful fiancé," Lucius smirked. He knew exactly what Rebecca was doing and he loved her for it. "This will have consequences," Septimus hissed. Lucius walked further towards his younger brother. "Don't ever threaten her again or..." Septimus harshly grabbed her arm and pulled her closer to him. "Or what brother?" The two of them looked threatening in each others eyes. "If you ever threaten or treat her wrong I will kill you."
Septimus chuckled at Lucius threat. Rebecca freed herself out of his arm and made a hand movement for Lucius to keep it cool.

"Guys calm  down. What is going on here?" The perfect Narcissa walked into the entrance hall. Rebecca's heart almost fell on the floor. "Cissy you are..." "Pregnant. Yes and you're still not married. Come on dinner should be ready. We have a lot to chat."

Lucius felt awful. He had so much going on that he forgot to prepare Rebecca for that moment.
She swallowed and turned towards Septimus. She leaned forward and whispered something in his ear. He made eye contact with Lucius. A proud grin entered Septimus face as he nods. She quickly turned back to Lucius and Narcissa while Septimus got out his wand. He transfigured her cloak into a cardigan that would cover at least her shoulders. She would have done it herself by using wandless magic but the risk of letting it explode was too high but most importantly she wouldn't use it in front of Septimus. If he knew he probably would make her wear cuffs that would suppress magic.

Septimus laid the black cardigan gently over her shoulders. His arms rested for a second there as he leaned to kiss her right cheek. He wandered down her arm with his hand to take hers in his. Lucius had observed the whole situation. He was watching it with a serious face while his head boiled. Meanwhile Narcissa had stopped talking as she noticed that her husband didn't pay attention to her.

The atmosphere was tensed between everyone.
While they walked Rebecca really looked at Septimus for the first time. He was attractive she couldn't deny it. With his shoulder length platinum blonde hair. He was so much taller than her just like Lucius but Septimus body was much more muscular. He probably could hurt her with one finger if he used his whole power. Septimus noticed how she looked up at him. Their eyes met for a second. She had beautiful green eyes. He must admit. They were a perfect contrast to her pale skin and her dark brown hair.

They had an almost peaceful dinner as Narcissa kept the conversation going. They discussed why the marriage didn't happen yet. What kind of gender they think the baby has and the names she already had.
The elf's had made a great dinner with way too much food. Septimus kept drinking bottle after bottle.
"Maybe you should slow down," Lucius said as Septimus asked for the next round. "Oh wait I got something you guys must try." Narcissa made them all follow into a lounge room.

They actually had a nice peaceful evening.

It was almost midnight when Rebecca emptied her glass again. "I should bring you home," Septimus tried to focus on Rebecca's face as everything around him started to spin.
"Please stay over. I don't want you to apperate that drunk," Narcissa laughed at Septimus as he tried to get up. "Yes we have more rooms than we can count," Lucius added as his eyes met Rebecca's. Her heartbeat began to raise. "Sure I think it would be a good idea."
Narcissa raised her pregnant body and helped the other couple to get up. Septimus laid his arm around Rebecca so he could walk better.

Lucius and Narcissa showed Rebecca her room. The house-elf's had already prepared it for her stay. There was a night gown and much more laying around probably way too much for a one night stay.

"Alright Septimus room is a few doors down and we are in the other corridor on the right. We'll see us in the morning," Narcissa said goodnight and closed the door behind her.

The alcohol was still turning in her stomach so she made herself ready for bed. Could it really work out with Septimus? Probably not. It was one evening where he actually was charming towards her. Her head kept coming back to her pregnant cousin. There is no chance something will happen that will bring Rebecca and Lucius back together. No matter how many times their eyes will meet with desire.

Rebecca was peacefully sleeping when she was awoken by a hand pressing on her mouth. She immediately opened her eyes as adrenaline rushed trough her body. He let go and made a gesture to her to be quiet.
But insted Rebecca screamed his name in shock. "Septimus!" She almost jumped out of her bed. "Get out!" He came again closer towards her. She took a few steps back until her back was against the wall. He leaned down kissing her neck. "Stop it!" She tried to push him away but he wouldn't move even a little bit. He held her wrists against the wall while kissing every part of her upper body that showed skin. "You're hurting me! Please Septimus stop!" She whined. "Oh come on you enjoy it. I saw how you looked at me earlier and soon we are going to be married anyways." His voice whispered against her ears. "No please. Please stop!" She said again but this time tears came out of her eyes as she could feel his grip getting tighter around her wrists. She could feel them almost breaking. Her body began to shake slightly. She hasn't been that scared in a long time.

"Get away from her," Lucius stormed into the room pushing his brother to the ground. Tightly Lucius held his wand in his hand and pointed it down. Septimus quickly got back up again. He mockingly walked towards Lucius. "Put that wand down."
"I told you if you touch her I will kill you but you're still family so I will give you one last chance. Pack your things and never come back," Lucius says angrily. Septimus huffed and shacked his hand while taking a few steps back. Rebecca was still pressed against the wall behind her. "Let me have some fun," Septimus says, "What do you want with her anyways. She's just a bitchy useless whore."

Lucius gaze darkened. "CRUCIO," he shouted loudly. A red light streamed out of the end of his wand. Septimus fell on his knees screaming in pain. The veins on his whole body began to show from the exertion. Seeking for protection Rebecca walked behind Lucius. Second after second Septimus squirmed on the ground. "Enough Lucius," Rebecca said and carefully laid her hand on his arms that was holding his wand. He was still focused on his brother. "Lucius," she whispered, "Please enough." He stoped and put his wand away. Septimus was breathing heavily. "LEAVE!" He screamed at his brother not letting him rest for a minute. Septimus looked contemptuous at Rebecca. He didn't say anything. He just walked away.

"Are you alright? Are you hurt?" Lucius asked. He carefully took her hands making her gasp in pain. Her wrists were deep red and swollen. Lucius wiped away the tears that started to run down her cheeks as the tension slowly settled down and she begun to relax. "Shhh it's okay I'm here," he whispered taking her in his arms.

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