|~Nostalgia Bundle~|

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Cub makes a "nostalgia bundle" of items to remind you of your childhood
(This includes my own AU )

Tw: Panic attack I think, hallucinations, ptsd, mentions of attempted suicide, Sam, I think that's it??

Cubs POV

awhile ago I crested a device that can.. almost see your past?

I don't know how to explain it so I'll say it like this:

You go into a room and the device activates. Suddenly, the walls change to some sort of significant event in the person's childhood, aswell as significant people. The goal was to let people relive happy childhood memory's, but well..

I found out the hard way the machine has a knack for only bringing up the.. traumatic memory's.

Obviously, with all the traumatized hermits on the server that would be a horrible idea.

This whole server is kind of like a place a bunch of traumatized kids can gather together and heal together.. although for others I guess they'd prefer to forget instead. Not the healthiest option, but those hermits are always the ones with the most trauma and the ones who never say anything.

Which is exactly why this device I made is a horrible idea, but I had a better idea instead.

I put months into that device, so might aswell use it for something else- so I switched some parts out of it and created a new device called the nostalgia bundle.

Basically, you take the device which looks like a basket covered by a sheet and when you hold it, different items inside of it appear that were important to you in your childhood.

Luckily, this only took a few weeks to make and during testing, the nostalgia bundle seemed to only pick out items tied to happy memory's.

I talked to Xisuma and we thought it'd be fun if all the hermits gathered in the shopping district. Everyone can take turns using the nostalgia bundle and we'd all have a fun time remembering the.. happy bits of their childhoods.

Well that was the thought anyways.

Until the day finally rolled around.

Grians POV

everyone had gathered in the shopping district, everyone was talking and generally catching up and having a lot of fun. People were sharing the meaning of things they got in their baskets. It was a really nice chance of pace to see people not so afraid of their past for once.

I had gone last. I just had some sort of weird feeling that there was more to the "nostalgia bundle" than it appeared. It's just.. when I thought about it I couldn't think of anything happy that stands out in my childhood.

Parents basically abandon me. All the.... high school.. stuff.. Tokyo soul.. I really went insane in there.. so many thoughts of death.. and then there was evo..

Nothing under the key word "happy" really comes to mind, honesty.

Maybe that's why I was so scared of the basket.

It went well for everyone else though, so why wouldn't it for him?

Trust the process trust the process trust the process trust the process. Just tell yourself to trust the process.

Stress had just gone, the person right before me and cub called my name.

I suddenly got really anxious and felt my palms get a bit sweaty.

It alright it'll be fine I trust cub.

I trust cub.

Reluctantly, I stepped up to where cub was standing in the center of buzzing hermits.

Grian Angst |~One Shots~|Where stories live. Discover now