Chapter 3 : A normal day in Hoyoverse

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Shirou's Pov :

It's a beautiful day, the bird are singing, the flowers are blooming, the girls are yelling...on day like this...i would like to sleep. That is what i was thinking today.

I was in my dorm, with Delta and Sin mal yelling at each others about a chocolate yogurt. It was very... important for them it seems.

Shirou :"Please, me..." I said in a desperate tone.

Someone enter violently in the room and says :

Kiana : "Shirou Kazuki, the Overseer and aunt Theresa wanna talk with you,now !" She said in hurry.

Shirou :"Kiana....i love you."

Kiana :"Heh ?!" She was completely stunned and shocked.

Shirou :"Okay...i will explain on the way, dont worry." I answered in an attempt to make this less weird.

Kiana stutter a bit :"S-sure..."

As i follow her, we come across several valkyries that wave me hello with some giggles.

Shirou :"Why did they giggled ?" I asked to Kiana.

Kiana :"I think you probably...i dunno...i really Overseer will tell you." She said avoiding my gaze.

Shirou :"O-Okay..."What does everyone have this morning....?

When we arrive at Otto's office, there was a lot of persons in it, when they saw me enter...well...they got a bit pale. Why ? Did i do something wrong ?! Am i in trouble ?!
The only one that was smiling is Otto

Otto :"Great morning Shirou~, did you sleep well ?" She said in her softest voice.

Shirou :"Um...yes...what is going on in here ? Why does everyone is this pale ? Did something happened ?"

Otto :"I have a great news for you, dear boy. Wanna hear it ?"

Shirou :"Um yes...i am curious to know what is happening." I answered with a lot of interest.

Otto giggles and clear her throat, a slight blush covering her cheeks.

Otto :"I decided as Shicksal's Overseer and as leader of the Alliance that you are now a "property" of the Alliance."

Shirou :" i am"a property of the Alliance" ? What do you mean by that ?" I asked with a bit of apprehension.

Otto :"It means that you sort of special individual who will serve the alliance" she said a bit hesitantly.

Shirou :"And what does it really means ?"

Otto :"It means that you belongs to everyone in Shicksal, The Sakura flowers, The MOTH's and Anti-Entropy. To be more accurate, you are "our man", hehe."

Shirou : "W-what ?!?" I was completely stunned and embarassed by this news.

Otto :"You are a sort Valkyrie assistant."

Shirou :"At what extent ?"

Otto :" limit ?" She shrug

Shirou :"Excuse me ?!" I shouted to her. "Does that mean i am a valkyrie slave ?!".

The others blushes heavily.

Otto :"W-what ?! N-no no, no, no, no.!!!. Absolutely not, you are a member of the Alliance. You will be highly respected and you won't be treated as a slave or a bitch, i swear !" She said in panic.

Shirou :"Then what am i for god sake ?!"

Otto sight and then answered with a soft and tender smile.

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