Lemon Chapter 1 : Navia and Clorinde 🍋🍋🍋

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Shirou's pov :

I was in a taxi, taking me to Clorinde and Navia's mansion. I won't lie, by saying that i am not stressed right now...i am really anxious in fact. What will happen there ? Am i enought good for entering in that type of house ? I dunno. I am also pretty tired because of those 3 girls, that didn't let me have a single break during last night. Anyway, the trip is still a bit long, so i think i will take a little slumber right now...

I then fall asleep for some minutes, before waking up in the same taxi. We stopped before a giant and luxurious mansion. A butler then get out of this mansion and went before the car, to pay the price of the travel.

The Butler then opened the door of the car and began to lead me to the mansion entrance. We walked through a large gate in gold, before walking across the garden that lead us to the mansion. Once we are there, 2 maids bowed before us, right after opening the door for us.

Shirou :"T-Thanks." I said while blushing slightly and following the butler. She was quite elegant but also seemed really sympathetic. She began to lead me throughout some hallways before stopping in front of a large white door. She then opened it, revealing a luxurious bedroom with a giant white bed in it, surrounded by 2 nighstand and there was a large windows that enlight the whole room behind the bed.

The butler :"My masters told me to lead you here and to make you wait until they return from their walk." She said with a soft tone of voice.

Shirou :"Oh...um sure... before you go, can you please tell me your name ?" I asked politely.

The butler :"My name ? Well, my name is Sara, Sara Avalon ."

Sara Avalon

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Sara Avalon

Age : Unknown
Gender : Female (nobody know her sexuality)
Height : 1m64
Weight : 51,8kg
Butt size : 46cm
Breast size : 67,5cm Underbust/81,3cm Overbust
Waist/Thighs/Hips : 43,6cm - 57cm - 77cm

Personality : Not enought informations about her. She seem shy.

Shirou :"Nice to meet you, my name is Shirou Kazuki." I smile kindly to her and she answered by a soft smile, before going away.

I was now alone in a large room, waiting for Navia and Clorinde.

Shirou :"It's a bit weird to just wait them here...why here out of all of the rooms in this mansion ?" I asked to myself.

Navia :"Because we wanted to do something with you, Shirou~" She said while entering in the room, with Clorinde. The two of them were smiling brightly.

Shirou :"Like what ?"

Navia :"Like sex of course~" She said with a smile

Shirou :"Huh ?!"

Clorinde clear her throat and then says with a flustered look.

Clorinde :"We kinda are inexperienced in this and were told that you have some experience in it... could you...help us ?" She then said with a soft smile, with pinky cheeks.

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