Chapter 10 : Bienvenue en France

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Shirou's pov :

We were finally walking in the street of Paris, well the Paris of this world. It was even more beautiful than in my world. The street were large and way cleaner than in my Paris. The architecture was completely different and way more modern, it was like being in 2500.

Shirou :"So it is Paris ? It's quite different from the one in my world." I said softly.

Kiana :"Heh? In your world, there was a city called Paris too ?" She said in awe.

Durandal :"I believe it is less beautiful than here, if i judge it from your face, Shirou-san." She said with a soft smile.

Shirou :"You are right....i prefer this version of Paris."

Fu Hua :"Anyway, where are you leading us to, Arlecchino ?" She asked to Arlecchino with some curiosity.

Arlecchino :"To your hotel, it is a quite luxurious hotel, i hope you will like it." She said in soft tone of voice, still being a bit cold however.

Shirou :"Where will you sleep ?"

Arlecchino :"At the House of the Hearth, of course." She said with a soft smile to me.

When we arrived at the hotel, i put my suit case with the others and go outside. I was alone this time, i wanted to see if there are some monuments i know, like the Eiffel tower or the Louvre museum.

As i wander across the city, i meet some women which are in beautiful dress that remind me of the 19th century. It is something i find quite stylisth, this century was for me the quintessence of the french culture because of the industrial revolution.

Arlecchino :"Trying to flee ?" She said appearing behind me with a flirtatious smile.

Shirou :"Arlecchino ? Sorry but i was really intrigued by the differences between my country and this one." I said before blushing softly, because of her closeness. She was only a centimeter away from my body.

Arlecchino :"Mmmh~ Is there something wrong, Shirou~?" She said in a motherly and flirtatious tone of voice, her hand were already wrapped around my body and she pulled me closer, putting my head in her voluptuous chest softly. I was now blushing vividly. "You know, i never felt this good with someone else than you, do you feel my heart ? It is racing faster than infinity, just for you~." I could indeed feel her heart beating strongly and rapidly, while mine was doing the same, perhaps even more.

Shirou :"W-what do you want to do ?" I asked while blushing heavily. .

Arlecchino smirk and then says in flirtatious tone of voice :

Arlecchino :"How about you give me a little taste of those lips of yours~?" She said before leaning closer, her lips only an inches away from mine.

My heart was beating like crazy, and my eyes widened a bit at her bold move, but i wanted to kiss her for a moment now...i leaned closer, wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her softly.

She kiss me back , being very gentle and delicate with my lips. After some seconds, she pull away slowly and smile seductively.

Arlecchino :"Want another one ?" She said while making a flirty smile.

Shirou :"Yes... Arlecchino"

Arlecchino :"Call me Mommy, please~." She said while nibbling my lips softly, in flirtatious manner.

Shirou :"M-mommy~" i said while making a soft moan at the contact of her teeth with my lips. She then kiss me passionnately and languorously, squeezing me against her while her toungue rub mine passionately and eagerly.

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