Chapter 5 : A rough day....

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Shirou's Pov :

1 days has passed since my "sweet kidnapping" and the fancy party was coming sooner than i thought it would.

I am now in Otto's office, with Rita, Durandal and another woman named named Ana Shariac, a S-rank valkyrie that was also holding an herrscher inside of her body.

Ana Shariac :

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Ana Shariac :

Age : 18 years old
Gender : Straight Female
Height : 1m66
Weight : 51kg
Butt size : 87cm
Breast size : 76cm Underbust/ 98cm Overbust.
Waist/Thighs/Hips : 55cm - 96,2cm - 107cm

Personality : Ana is a calm and serious person who wanna protect innocent. She is still a bit traumatized about her experience as a Herrscher and is afraid of her powers.

Otto :"Durandal, Rita, i would like you 2, to oversee the preparation for the fancy party that happen tomorow, i managed to have a mansion for it."

Durandal and Rita :"It will be done according to your orders, Miss Apocalypse." They answered right away

Otto :"Perfect, you 2 can leave now."

Durandal and Rita get out of the room after looking at me with curiosity.

Otto :"Shirou,like i told you yesterday morning, you will now be accompanied by a valkyrie of Shicksal. I would like you and Ana to find some things in town. Here is the list." She give the list to Ana and then she make us leave. She was a bit upset and i think, that i am for something.

Ana : "So, Shirou Kazuki ? My  name is Ana Shariac, i am glad to meet you." She give me her hand and i shake it.

Shirou :"Yes, nice to meet you too, Ana."

Ana :"Now that the introduction are done, how about we go in the city ?" She said in a gentle and warm tone of voice.

Shirou :"Sure, let's go, after all we have some things to bought for the party." I said with a gentle smile.

Ana :"Indeed."


Ana and i began to wander across the city, searching for some liquors and food for the fancy party.

Ana :"So...we already have 78 mini cakes, 34 mini hot dogs, 56 petit-four and 20 Bottles of whines...i think it should be enought for our guests."

Shirou :"How many persons will be there ?'

Ana :"Um...well it's a little party so there will  be around 50 and 70 guests...if i am not wrong. It's a party to introduce you, so it won't be a big party."

Shirou :"It's already a lot of people but i guess it is enought just for introducing me. I guess the party will be recorded right ?"

Ana :"Indeed it will, all the Alliance has to know your existence. Once the party is over, every persons that are in the Alliance or that are partners with it, will receive a message and a video which will introduce you to them." She said in a soft voice.

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