Chapter 4 : Sweet Kidnapping

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Shirou's Pov :

It has been several minutes already that i have been stuck on that chair. I was about to fall asleep when someone entered and approached me. She sat before me and put the plate of food she was holding on a table.

That person was masked and she began to remove the gag that was preventing me to move my mouth.

I cought a bit and then she talked.

Girl#1 : "Feeling better ?" She asked in a cold voice.

Shirou :"Y-yeah...a-a bit...where am i ?"

Girl#1 :"i won't tell you. Here is a plate for you. I will feed you, dont take this personnaly but if you refuse this food, i will slap you. Understood ?" She said still in a cold voice.

Shirou :"Y-yes ma'am."

The Woman began to open the plate, it was a risotto and it smell good. She began to take some in a spoon and placed it before my mouth. I opened it and ate the food she gave me. It was a bit embarassing to get feeded by someone else but it was not that important.

After she finished to feed me, she put the plate away and began to talk more quietly.

Girl#1 :"Do you need anything else ? Because in some minute, "she" will begin the first experiment on you."

Shirou :"Who is it ?"

Girl#1 :"Won't tell. Do you need anything else ?" She said in a hurry despite her voice being still cold.

Shirou :"Apart from my freedom, nope."

Girl#1 : "Good, now, stay still and get ready mentaly" she said in a cold tone again, before getting out of the room.

After some minutes, another woman came in the room, she sat before me and then she talked.

Girl#2 :"Hello, young man" She said in a soft voice but she was clearly seeking for something weird.

Shirou :"Who are you and what am i doing here ?!"

Girl#2 :"My name is Jackal and you are in an hotel bedroom i bought for tonight." She said with a calm and cold tone of voice."Tell me your name now, young stranger." She added with a soft tone of voice but she is still cold despite her beautiful face.


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Age : 34 years old
Gender : Straight Female
Height : 1m70
Weight : 64,7kg
Butt size : 108cm
Breast size : 97cm Underbust/105cm Overbust
Waist/Thighs/Hips : 69,6cm - 142cm -153cm

Personality : No info, too much secretive and emotionless. However she is sometimes underestimating her enemies.

Jackal :"So...will you tell me your name ?" She said still waiting patiently.

Shirou :"I am Baku konokata..."

Jackal :"Lying won't help, trust me."

I sight and then give her my real name :"I am Shirou Kazuki."

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