Chapter 6 : The fancy party

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Shirou's pov :

Theresa began to strip herself.

Shirou :"H-ho-hold on, what are you doing ?!?"

Theresa :"Um i was getting my dress off to take another one...i wanted to know what you think of my differents valkyries armor..." She says blushing a bit. "Please look away... it's already very embarassing..."

Shirou :"S-sorry Madam !" I turn around and look away, a bit red.

Theresa pout a bit, she is also pretty red. However she continue to strip till she only is in underwear. She then, took one of her valkyrie armor and began to wear it.

Theresa :"D-done..." She said while getting more calm."I just want your opinion on this one, for the moment."

Theresa :"This armor is called Violet Executer

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Theresa :"This armor is called Violet what do you think of this one ?" She asked a bit embarassed about showing herself in her armors.

Shirou :"Well...i think you look quite badass in this one despite the fact that you are cute."

Theresa pout and then says :"S-shut up !! I am not cute, i am Theresa Apocalypse, future Overseer of Shicksal and an SSS-rank valkyrie !" She began to look away getting more upset but also...a bit frustrated.

Shirou :"I dont think it's a bad thing. In fact, i think that your cuteness is attractive." I said, blushing a bit.

Theresa :"Y-you think so ?" She said, blushing too.

Shirou :"Y-yeah ! I think you look quite cool and cute in this costume, the contrast between the brutality of the armor and your height and face, make this really cute." I said more frankly and more confidently.

Theresa blushes vividly and then began to play with her hair tail. "You think so ?"

Shirou :"Yep, totally."

Theresa :"Thanks...little Shirou...i really appreciate it." She sit on her desk and says "You know...i really dislike my body. Even if it is good for battles, i feel like a tiny girl who can't grow up and...who just act like a tsundere when we talk about her childish height."

Shirou :"I can can be frustrating sometimes to be short. But i must say that you are not just cute and that's, you have your own beauty, your own cuteness and your very own appeal. Even if we don't know much about each others, i can feel that you are a strong and nice woman" i said with a soft smile.

Theresa :"Oh my.... Shirou, you really are making my heart melt... thanks a lot." She said while blushing brightly but smiling widely. "So~, How about you tell me how i look in my next costume, and please say what you think from my face to my toes, dear Shirou~" She said in a more flirty tone, which make me blush a little bit.

Theresa :"How about this one~?"

Theresa :"How about this one~?"

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