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We found a small abandoned cabin about fifty miles away from the old house. It took a few days travel, but when we found it, we all cheered.

It sat beside a small creek, which provided quite a view. It made me feel peaceful.

Phil was right; he did heal relatively quickly, as did Joe. Phil announced to the group that we were together on after a day of walking, which made me smile like an idiot. Troye insisted that they knew about it already, but Joe and Tyler looked shocked when they found out.

The cabin had four rooms, which was kind of small, but we made it work. Caspar agreed to share a room with Joe, seeing as they got along the most during the trek. Phil and I shared a room happily. Obviously Zoe and Alfie shared, and Troye and Tyler did as well.

The cabin was a bit drafty, but I didn't mind. I used it as an excuse to cuddle with Phil at every chance I got. Phil probably knew this, but he never protested.

Tyler seemed to be attached to Troye because of what happened. They were always together, and Tyler was constantly telling Troye how much he loved him. It never bothered Troye.

Alfie proposed to Zoe the day we got to the cabin. It wasn't an official proposal, because he didn't have a ring, but Zoe said yes immediately. We're planning to pretend to be humans and find a priest to make it official, but for now they're calling each other husband-and-wife. Every time Zoe calls for Alfie, she says "husband" instead of his name and giggles.

Phil and I kiss openly now, and even though he'd kissed me several times, I still get butterflies. One day about a week after we arrived to the cabin, Phil and I were sitting out by the creek with our feet in the water.

"I love you," he murmured, not looking at me.

My head snapped up and I stared at the side of his head. "I love you, too," I responded.

Phil's eyes met mine and he beamed. I grabbed the back of his neck and pulled his lips to mine. I kissed him passionately, with more feeling than I had ever before. I kept smiling into the kiss, interrupting it briefly.

"You idiot, stop," Phil giggled after we broke the kiss for the third time.

"I can't," I whispered. I kissed him again, but had to stop it two seconds later because I was smiling like an idiot.

Phil sighed and kissed my jaw instead. He left soft kisses down to my collarbone, his fingers lacing with mine. "I'm glad I met you," he murmured against my neck.

"This is the most fun I've ever had," I responded with a smirk.

Authors note:
Okay cool I'm glad I finally figured out how to finish this. I noticed that I was still getting votes on this story, so last week I decided that it's about time to finish this. You all deserve it.

I'm sorry if there are any triggers in here. Let me know and I'll put a little warning or something before, and I apologize if it triggered you in any way.

(Now for some shameless self promo) go read my new fic "pest". It's a Phan AU where Dan is a social recluse and Phil is a super outgoing weirdo, but it's a little different than your average high school fic.

Thank you all for reading this to the end. Especially the people who waited while I went on my little hiatus. Again, forgive me brethren.

I love you all! xx

Also (again), to clear up the little detail that I missed in the story, it was Hannah who ratted out the house. She called anonymously before she ran away.

Okay well bye!

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