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hey guys! Sorry it took me so long to think of more chapters to write, but I think I can do it now. Ignore the authors note, I'm BACK AND READY TO WRITE.

Tbh, I kind of got bored with the story, and didn't know where to go with it. But now, I'm going to give you the ultimate conclusion to an ultimate story.

After this chapter, there will only be a few more. (Insert crying emoji here)

I hope you guys enjoy the next few chapters, and forgive me for going on the hiatus.

Life was probably the best that it had ever been. I was with Phil all the time, and while we couldn't fully embrace a relationship, we had our moments when we were left alone.

I knew it couldn't last.

One morning in early December, I woke up in my new room to Phil standing over me ominously. I jumped back, slightly frightened. "Jesus, what the hell?"

"We gotta go," he muttered. I sat up quickly, rubbing my eyes.

"What? Why?"

He grabbed my hand and pulled me up quickly. "We just got word that the Clan is coming after us." My heart jumped. How did they know we were here? "Grab anything important, I'll meet you downstairs."

"What about the others?" I asked worriedly.

"They're going to leave, too."

Guilt washed over me as I realized they probably have to leave because of me. I stood up and grabbed a spare change of clothes and my shoes. I shoved them into the plastic bag sitting in my trash can.

My feet moved faster than my brain could process, and suddenly I was in the kitchen with Phil and the others.

Zoe had a pained look on her face as she held onto Alfie tightly. Alfie was looking down at Zoe with concern in his eyes. Troye was leaning against the corner lazily next to Tyler, who was staring off at nothing. Louise was pacing and muttering to herself. Joe was sitting at the table with his head in his hands. Hannah was no where to be found.

"How did they find us?" Tyler asked finally. We all looked to Louise for the answer.

"I don't know," she mumbled. "I really don't know."

"Where's Hannah?" Troye asked, turning to Phil.

"I haven't seen her since last night," he replied.

"You don't think--" Zoe started.

"I don't know," Louise cut off. "We can't blame anyone yet. For all we know it could've been me letting something slip."

Phil sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, making it stick up in a messy quiff.

"I just want you all to know that I love you guys," Tyler muttered, shocking me. Ever since I arrived, he's said very little. "I don't know if we'll ever see each other again, so I want you to know that. Even you," he looked up at me suddenly with a smile, "you stupid human."

I grinned back, and felt an arm slide around my shoulders protectively. I glanced over to see Phil holding onto me, staring off into space, likely lost in thought.

"Okay, we are going to split off in two groups," Louise instructed. "Phil, you're gonna take your bloody pet." Phil shot Louise a harsh look. "Zoe and Alfie, Troye and Ty, and Joe and I."

"What about Hannah?" Troye asked. "What if she comes back and the place is filled with Clan members?"

"She'll survive on her own," she answered, her voice clipped. I could tell that, even though she said otherwise, she believed this was Hannah's fault. I glanced over at Zoe, who was watching me. I saw a couple of emotions flicker over her face, before it came to a rest as a smile.

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