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Phil POV
We made it to the corner store that Louise told us about at around four o'clock. It was immediately apparent why Hannah was in trouble.

There was a dark blue van sitting right in front of the exit door and five men standing around it. I could smell their deodorant from where we stood, making me realize that they were humans.

"Who are they?" Troye whispered behind me, and I shook my head indicating that I didn't know. All I knew is that they seemed malevolent, and we needed to get inside that store as soon as we could. I thought for a second about possible ways to get into the store. I haven't been here before, so I didn't know the layout of the building.

"Back door?" Troye whispered, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Do they have one?" I asked quietly, turning to him. He shrugged his shoulders unknowingly, to which I sighed.

"I'm going to go around to the back, I want you to go distract the people surrounding the van," I said, quickly formulating the plan in my head. I turned back around to see that most of the people that were standing around the van disappeared, presumably into the building.

I turned back to Troye to assure that he was ready, but he looked almost frightened. I raised my eyebrows at him questioningly.

"How am I supposed to distract them? What if they're members of the clan?"

I shrugged my shoulders, and without answering his question, I took off to the back door, leaving the scared Troye behind. I snuck around the van, making sure that I went unseen, and walked around the corner toward the back door. I saw a fleeting figure walk into the wall in front of him, so I assumed that there was a back door after all.

I walked to the door and stuck my head in, barely making out two slowly-moving figures ahead of me; one tall and skinny, the other shorter and with a little more meat on his bones. I slipped in the cracked doorway and silently walked around a small stack of boxes, when a loud crashing noise erupted in the storage room we were in. I ducked behind the boxes, silently cursing at myself for being so jumpy. I heard a bit of whispering, but I couldn't make out the words. Then, a light flickered on in the room, making me shield my eyes.

"Oh they sent newbies, huh?" I heard Hannah's voice suddenly, and I mentally cursed her for her rash behavior. She always does this, she gets herself into trouble and then toys around. "I'm kind of offended, I thought I posed a greater threat than this," she continued.

"Please put your hands up and we won't have to hurt you," a loud voice said, giving me chills. It was the kind of voice that should be reading books to you late at night.

"Oh really?" Hannah mocked, which made me angry. I gathered my courage and stood up from the boxes.

"Hannah Hart, it is 4:00 in the morning. Why on earth am I here?" I said, trying to bring a distraction to the situation. I tried to sound angry, but it came out in a lighthearted tone.

"Philly, is that you?" Hannah asked happily, turning to meet my voice. I didn't answer Hannah, and looked past her at the two young men standing with guns pointed. One of them had blonde hair, and he seemed confident and calm. The other had dark brown hair and eyes to match, and looked reactive and angry. His hands were shaking slightly, and he looked like he was nervous to be facing two vampires.

I sighed softly and turned back to Hannah. "Are these clan members?" I asked, looking back at the clan members with what I hoped was disgust on my face.

"Yes sir," the blonde answered suddenly, shocking me slightly, as well as Hannah and the brown haired boy, due to his sudden jump. "I'm going to have to ask you to leave the girl here for us, she is now in the custody of the clan."

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