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About half way home, we opened the box and grabbed two beers, popping open the tops.

Phil put his in the air. "Cheers, to a beautiful, and very unlikely, friendship."

I giggled and clanked my bottle against his. "Maybe they should write a book about us."

We both took long drags of the beer. When I swallowed mine, I looked at Phil in amazement.

"You were right, this is delicious!" I yelled, throwing my hand in the air with the bottle clenched tightly in my fist.

"Troye turned me on to these," he said after he finished laughing at my grandiose gesture.

I snickered a little. "Does Troye turn you on, Phil?"

Phil giggled. "I love Troye, and he is an extremely attractive boy, but I don't think so. He is so up Tyler's ass that his hair turned brown."

I laughed loudly. "Literally up Tyler's ass," I added, making Phil laugh loudly as well.

We were just about to enter the house when we finished the beer in our hands. "I'll throw these away and meet you downstairs," Phil said, grabbing my bottle and heading toward the kitchen. I went straight for the basement though, walking down the stairs carefully, although I knew I was being quite loud.

"Hey, Dan, where's Phil?" Troye came around the corner suddenly. My eyes got really big, and my heart started to beat faster. Shit, we can't show him the beer!

Wait, why not?

I don't remember but we can't show him the beer!

I threw myself around Troye's neck and gave him a hug. Troye was hesitant, but eventually hugged me back. "Dan, are you alright?" Troye asked, giggling. "Are you drunk?"

I pulled away from Troye and put my finger to my mouth, just as Phil did earlier. I gave a soft shush, but started laughing halfway through. I pulled Troye away from the stairs where we were standing and toward his room.

"Dan, what are you-?" Troye started, but I cut him off by putting my finger to his lips this time.

"You have a pretty face," I mumbled, and giggled softly.

"Dan, what are you doing?" Phil's voice came around the corner, sounding confused.

I turned around and smirked. Phil must've hid the beer, because it was no where to be seen.

"I am seducing Troye," I giggled, pulling my finger away from his mouth. Phil giggled lightly too.

Phil grabbed my arm and pulled me close to him. "Troye, don't you know he's mine?" Phil whispered, and goosebumps ran down my spine.

Troye threw his hands up and smiled. "He's all yours."

Phil grabbed me around the waist, and I felt the ground falling away from my feet. "Phil, put me down!" I yelled, giggling madly. He was carrying me over his shoulder like I was a toddler.

"No, you've been a bad boy," Phil giggled, and I felt a warm feeling in the pit of my stomach.

Phil threw me down on his bed. "Kinky," I said sarcastically, and Phil smirked. He opened his window to reveal the beer sitting on the sill.

"Oh my gosh that's so smart!" I yell-whispered, and Phil grinned cockily.

"I heard you and Troye talking," Phil explained, then passed me a beer. I took it gratefully, gulping down half the bottle. Phil did the same, except he drank the whole thing in a few gulps.

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