Chapter 41

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*Austin's POV*

I opened my eyes and looked around. My room was bright and filled with flowers and get well balloons. The chair next to my bed had Madison's coat and purse on it. I looked a deep breath and realized I had an oxygen mask on. I grabbed it and pulled it off. "Madison?" I called.


I pressed the red button my bed and tried sitting up, but it hurt my chest too much. Two nurses ran in and smiled real big.

"You're awake!" The female said.

I nodded. "Could you help me sit up?"

The man came over and carefully helped me sit up. "How do you feel?"

I shrugged. "My chest feels sore. And I'm extremely confused." I looked at him. "Where's Madison?"

He checked my IV. "She just got out of surgery."

I frowned. "Surgery? For what?"

The female nurse came over shined a tiny flash light in my eyes. "Her appendix burst a few hours ago. She fell and hit her head."

"Can I see her?" I asked.

She smiled. "You've been unconscious for 3 days the first thing you want is to see your ex? That's kind of romantic."

The male nurse looked over my chart. "I can take you down there in a little bit. You need to eat first and relax."

I sighed. "Alright."


After about an hour I had eaten and had my doctor explain to me everything that happened to me. Then I was taken to Madison's room. She was still asleep, so I sat in my wheelchair by her bedside, waiting.

She was amazing. After what I had done to her and the way I treated her, she was by my side this whole time.

She made a cute sound and I looked at her. Her eyes opened slowly and sleepily. I smiled. "Morning."

She looked at me and gasped, her eyes growing wide. "You're awake!"

I nodded and reached for her hand. "I am."

She took my hand and kissed it. "Ugh, I wish I could've been there when you woke up." She looked at me and her eyes filled with tears. "God, I thought I lost you."

I shook my head and smiled. "Nah, I'm not going anywhere."

"I tried so hard to wake up you up." She said, crying. "I talked to you all the time."

I rolled my chair closer to her. "I know, baby. I heard you. I heard everything." I took her hand. "I love you, baby. I'm so sorry about everything I did."

She shook her head. "I know. I don't wanna talk about it. It's in the past." She smiled. "And you're awake."

I smiled. "I wish I could stand up so I could kiss you."

She tried to lean towards me and winced in pain. "Damn, baby. We're falling apart."

I chuckled and blew her a kiss. "I love you, Mads."

"How do you feel, honey?" She asked, looking concerned all the sudden. "You look really pale."

I shrugged. "I'm okay. I'm just sore."

She nodded. "Yeah, they had to cut you open again. But I told them to made sure they didn't fuck up your tattoo." She smiled.

I smiled. "Where's Zach?"

"He's with Aaron and Amanda." She said.

Someone knocked on the door and I turned to see a doctor walk in. He smiled. "Hello, Austin."

I smiled. "Hi."

He held his hand out and I shook it. "I'm Doctor Benson. I hear you're feeling a little sore?"

I nodded. "Yeah. It feels like a semi truck collided straight with my chest."

He chuckled and sat down on a stool. "I'll you something for the pain." He looked at Madison. "How are you, Miss Haythe?"

She shrugged. "Same as Austin. Sore. I kinda feel like I'm gonna puke but I'm okay."

He nodded and looked over her chart. "Okay. Well that sounds pretty normal." He looked at her. "You'll need to be here for another 2 days at max." He looked at me. "We'll keep you for at least another week."

I nodded. "Okay. When could I see my nephew?"

"The little blonde one in the waiting room?" He asked.

I frowned. "He's here?"

Doctor Benson nodded. "Yes. With your friend. Alan, I think." He stood up. "I'll go get them." He said and left the room.

I looked at Madison. She looked exhausted. Underneath her eyes were dark and her face looked really pale. I could tell how stressed she had been by how much she had picked at her finger nails. She stared mindlessly out of the window.

"How long were you by my bed?" I asked.

She looked at me. "Hm?"

"How long did you stay by my side?"

She shrugged. "I rode with you here on the ambulance. And stayed by your side until my appendix burst. The only time I wasn't with you was when you were in surgery."

I reached for her hand. "I love you, Madison."

She smiled. "I love you too, baby." She smacked my hand. "Now don't ever scare me like that again."

The door opened and Zachary came running in, going straight to Madison. "Auntie!" He said, climbing on her bed and hugging her.

Madison hugged him tight. "Hi, sweetie. I missed you."

Alan walked in. "Be careful, Zach. She just got surgery." He came over to me and patted my back. "Hey, champ. How you feelin?"

"Sore." I said.

He sat down on the side of Madison's bed. "You scared the shit out of us."

I looked at Madison. She still was hugging Zachary. I smiled. "Zach, I don't get a hug?"

He shook his head. "No. I'm hugging Auntie right now."

We all laughed and Madison kissed his cheek. "Go hug Uncle."

Zach turned and came over to me, hugging me gently. "Miss Amanda told me you hurt your heart."

I nodded. "Yeah. But I'm all better now."

"Are we going home?" He asked.

"You and Auntie will go home in 2 days. I'll be home in about a week." I said.

Zach sat on my lap. "Okay."

"You're gonna come stay with me 'till you go home. Is that okay?" Alan said.

He nodded and smiled. "Yeah. Can we bring Oli?"

Alan smiled. "Yeah sure."

"How is Oli?" I asked.

He shrugged. "Good. Sleeps a lot."

Madison pouted. "My baby is getting old."

I yawned. "Man, I'm tired."

"You're never sleeping again." Madison said, giving me a dirty look.

I chuckled. "I just wanna go home."

She nodded. "Me too. I hate this place."

I reached for her hand and she took it. "Soon, baby."

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