Chapter 39

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*Madison's POV*

Austin was in surgery for almost 6 hours. They said his heart just stopped beating. They can't find a reason. Now he laid in his bed, still unconscious and still on oxygen. I laid next to him and laid my head on his shoulder, softly singing to him and trying to hold my tears back.

The doctors said he was still unconscious because since he was clinically dead, he had a lack of oxygen to his brain. They wanted to wait for some of his meds to kick in, and then we hoped he'd wake up.

"Baby, you have to wake up. I'm not ready to lose you yet." I whispered. I caressed his cheek. "Come on, Austin. Wake up." I said, crying. "Wake up and we'll go to the beach or go play baseball. We'll do anything you want. Just please, please, wake up." I wiped my tear and looked at his heart monitor. His heart was beating a little faster. "Can you hear me, baby?" I asked. "I'm right here, waiting for you. I'll be here all day and all night." I held his hand. "I'm not leaving your side. But you need to wake up. You have to wake up so you can come home and we can have our family back."

There was a knock on the door and Amanda, Aaron's fiance, came in. She smiled at me and held up a bouquet of flowers. "Hey."

I sat up and wiped my eyes. "Hey."

She set the flowers down and came and sat down next to Austin's bed. "How is he?"

I sighed. "I don't know. His doctor said everything looks okay. But we don't know when he's gonna wake up."

Amanda crossed her legs. "Well, the boys wanna come see him, but they're waiting for you to say when they can. Zachary's with Aaron and Alan, they took him to dinner and then he's gonna stay with us tonight. I went by your house and fed Oliver. So, everything's set at home." She shrugged and motioned to Austin. "Now he just needs to wake up."

I nodded and looked at him, holding his hand. "Amanda, what if he doesn't wake up?" I started crying.

Amanda stood up and wrapped her arms around me. "Don't think like that, Mads. He will. You just have to stay positive." She grabbed my face and made me look at her, wiping away the makeup that ran down my face. "Positivity is so important in situations like this. He needs to be surrounded by love."

I cried harder. "I'm so scared. I can't lose him."

She hugged me again. "I'm gonna go get you some coffee and food. I'll be back." She kissed my forehead and left.

I looked at Austin, and then laid down next to him, wrapping my arm around him, careful not to bump his newly opened scar. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "Wake up." I whispered. "Please wake up."

*Austin's POV*

I felt weird. I knew everything I was seeing wasn't right. Everything was foggy and gray. My body felt heavy, like I was weighed down. I could hear Madison talking to me, I knew she was close, but I couldn't seem to pull myself out of this weird place. I wanted to wake up, but I couldn't.

"Wake up. Please wake up." Madison whispered. "Just open your eyes and come back to me." She was crying. "Austin please, you have to wake up." She kissed my forehead. "I'll come home. Me and Zachary will come back and I'll stop trying to push you into getting married and I'll do anything you want whenever you ask." She sniffled and kissed my hand.

I heard the door open and then Amanda's voice. "Here, honey. I got you a ham sandwich and some coffee."

"I'm not hungry." She said.

"You need to eat." Amanda replied.

"Hey Amanda, do you think he can hear me?"

"Yeah. I think he can."

Madison took my hand again. It was nice. I could smell her perfume and her shampoo. "I love you, Austin. Wake up."

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