Chapter Seven

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I smirk when I heard the bell rings indicating the end of school. My seatmate and friend way back since elementary days, Chahee, wave me goodbye.

I arrive at the library first, and fast enough to do our research papers. All that is left for Lisa to finish is the laboratory test, and that would take days to analyze.

I grin in excitement when I saw her approaching.

"I'm sorry for being late I got trapped by Prof. Simon's class." She looks at me guiltily but I shake my head giving her a huge ass smile.

"I finished all the research papers today Lisa-ah" giving her the sample of the cells, "Take this to the school lab and do the test, then we'll get going? What d'you say?"

Lisa looked at me in awe.

"You did?!"

I chuckle when she looks really freak out. Before giving all the papers I've finished analyzing.

"What do you think?" I ask when 5 minutes passed and she still looks surprised.

"I... I'm honestly speechless right now... I don't know what to say." I rolled my eyes because of that.

"Just do what I said Lalisa after you ran the test which I assume would take days, come back here. Don't forget you promised me a shopping date."

She cutely scratches her head before looking away.

"Did you finish this alone because of that deal, Jennie Unnie?" --

I think my ear is playing on me... she didn't, oh gosh, she didn't..

I laugh maniacally causing Lisa to look at me confused.

"Are you fine, Unnie?" Oh shit.

I heard myself snorting the second time she calls me Unnie. I don't understand it. It should be fine. After all, even though we're the same batch, She's still younger than me. I call Jisoo Unnie that way too! But yet.. yet...!!!!

It doesn't sound right at all... It's irritatingly annoying! Dang!

I took a deep breath calming the growing fire inside of me again. It's as if what I saw earlier this morning came crushing back at me. And I knew I needed answers, confirmation... assurance... of what? Beats me! I need it!

"Did you just call me Unnie?" I ask trying to keep my shit together. I don't wanna scare Lisa but she's not helping at all!

Truth be told, I'm not a fake of a person. I knew what I feel and I act based on it!

When I face her again, I regret it.

"Yeah. Well, I learned that it's a Korean tradition to call someone Unnie when they are older. I did g--"

"No!" She flinches. Looking startled, hurt evident in her eyes.

"W-Why?" Lisa asked in a voice so small and.. vulnerable.

It snaps me out of my anger. My eyes soften and I could only clench my fist in regret. I don't know what happened to me but for some reason hearing Lisa calls me Unnie is not... it's not normal at all! It sounds annoying! It frustrates me!

"I'm sorry... I-- It's fine. You can call me Unnie Lisa-ah. I'm sorry."

I approached her gently, cupping her face in between my hands. She eventually looks into my eyes, tears threatening to fall.

"D-Do you n..not like m-me to call you Unnie, Jen?" She stutters cutely but I gulp at the intensity of her stare nonetheless I look into her.

Lisa has such rich brown eyes and I won't let the opportunity pass without me admiring it. And even If it's the tradition of my country, I knew what my answer is. It's so clear.

"That's right Lisa-ah. I don't like it when you call me Unnie."

"Why i-is that?"

Hearing her question, the answer is clear right all along. So I didn't hesitate to answer her.

"Because it doesn't sound right, Lisa-ah. It's honestly irritating. Can't you just call me Jennie like you first did?" I asked still looking at her.

"I could if that's what you want then I'll keep calling you by your name. I don't like it when you're mad, Jennie." She smiles. Whie she's looking at me she smiling. Her toothy grin that could make any woman swoon is directed at me and seeing how big and bright it is. I can't help reciprocating the gesture. 

But then amidst our staring session, a sight that enrages me appears before my brain.

"Who's that girl you're with earlier Lalisa?"

"Jen! Wait for me!" I rolled my eyes for what seems the nth time already.

"Wait your face! Why don't you wait for your stupid friend, Lalisa?!"

Argh! Why are my limbs short?! And why does she have to be tall with freakin' long legs?!

Lisa eventually reaches me, She pulls my arms gently enough to make me look at her.

"Why are you so upset Jen?" I look away not answering her question. But of course, Lisa won't accept that as she lifts my chin to meet her gaze.

"Seulgi is just my friend Jennie, I assure you that." I close my eyes taking a deep breath before I inhale it together with the negative thoughts.

"Okay. Let's continue shopping." I open my eyes. And immediately, I find my own orbs trapped and magnetized attracted to her own.

"Let's go." I grin and nodded remembering the revenge plan I prepared.

"Wait Lisa-ah. I remember, My camera team is on their way to the mall to film us. Y'know for my blog."

I tried to sound as nonchalant as possible. And it worked!

She froze in her place!

"W.. We're what?"

"We're filming a Can't Say No Challenge Lisa-ah. And.." She looks at me with fear in her eyes. And my grin grows into a smirk watching the sight.

"You can't say NO to me, Starting NOW."

With that, I pulled her with me to my car. I knew this week would be fun!

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