Chapter Sixteen

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Jennie stared at me for a few minutes and I can't help but feel the nerves rushing to my head pumping my heart at an unbelievable speed.

"What do you mean Jen? I'm Lisa, What are you talking about?"

I furrowed my eyebrows in fake confusion. I know Jennie's not gullible but I tried lying anyway, there's at least a slim chance that she would believe me, and I'm hoping for that chance.

My brunette friend looks at me intensely and I found myself sweating at the intensity it holds.

How is it that I feel so much just from her looking at me?

Why do I feel so conflicted by the way she's staring at me?

Well, how can I not? She looks like she would do anything for me, yet her distance suggest otherwise.

I stare just long as she did until she broke the silence between us.

"You're so mysterious. I-I feel like every time I look at you, every time you're so close- we're so close, you would suddenly slip away. And that thought scares me so much, Lisa. So I'm asking you, who are you really?" Confusion and frustration were evident on her face and I'm contemplating whether I should tell her or not, if it's worth telling her or not..

Is telling her gonna change a thing about us? My feelings?

"I.. "

In the end, I knew I wasn't enough. I thought all her actions towards me were proving my beliefs wrong. How foolish.

"Babe!" Like lighting, all those tension between us vanish. Jennie went straight to her boyfriend after hearing his voice. And seeing the way Kai greets her with a kiss and a smile on his lips, Oh, God! I've never felt this kind of pain before.

I keep on expecting something from her even though I'm aware that there's no chance for this.. for us. I know I shouldn't. I know it will lead me to a painful heartbreak, yet I still went ahead.

FUCK! Why am I like this?!

I want to look away. I want to shout at them. I want  her  to push him off. But I could only look away in pain. Because that's all I am entitled to do. The thought hurts me but what's new? I let another crack form in my heart as I smile when they finally look in my direction. Kai was all smiley while Jennie.. I don't know.

She got this complicated look on her face, but more than that, the most obvious one, she looks guilty.

And even though I want to assume it was because of me, I chose not to. I DON'T want to give myself another pain, I had enough.

"Lalisa, how are you?" Kai asked finally noticing my presence. I saw how his hold on Jennie's waist tighten.


"I'm fine. I was glad that the post regarding me was overlapped by the new announcement."

Yeah. That was the plan, creating another ruckus, a big one while I take down all the posts on social media about me.

That's why I ask for Chaeng's help. I'm lucky enough that the two of them, her girlfriend and her, were famous enough to get people to stop talking about me and focus on them.

I noticed Jen's eye still staring at me intently, enough to make me squirm in discomfort.

"Where did you go then?" Jennie took a step forward removing Kai's hand in her making the guy frown.

"I... I went somewhere to take a breather." I quickly look away as I tell my lie.

"Really? How can you explain all the posts and supposedly articles about you all gone? Suspicious that while the truth about the Chaesoo was out on the public, your issues on the other hand were taken down, and vanished as if it was never been there in the first place." The older one held her tone with a challenge. She's searching for a fight, a debate. But I'm not stupid enough to give her what she wants and end up spilling the truth due to overwhelming emotions, and so I answered her questions without really annoying her.

"No Jen. I'm at my cousin's apartment to cool down. I don't really like seeing my name all over the internet, it makes me uncomfortable. "

"Then why didn't you ask me to come?! I'm worried about you all day!" I gasp in surprise as she went straight to me pulling my sweater down to get me to face her on the same level. Anger rising as the tension came back like a fire burning the pan.

"Why don't you just answer me, Lalisa?" Stressing every word she looks straight into my eyes and damn! How easy can she ruin me?!!

Fuck. I don't want to lose my shit in front of her fuckin' boyfriend! With that alarm warning in my head, I lightly push her away removing her hands on my shirt.

"Jen." When she looked at me I stare at Kai, somewhat reminding her that we're not alone and as if coming back to her senses, she steps back. Realization dawning on her and regret occupying her expression. 

"I... I'm sorry." She looks at me horrified as if she didn't want to do that but she loses control. And I got my answer right then.

Kai looks hurt and disappointed but not for too long because Jennie right away went into his side, holding his hand before facing him with a reassuring smile on her face.

It hurts. Oh gosh, it hurts. It hurts to realize that I was no more than a thrill that she chose whenever she feels bored. A phase that she will soon grow out. A toy that she will eventually grew tired of. 

Because seeing how Jennie acts between me and her boyfriend, I realized, I'm no more than a past time for her. A reminder that I will be nothing more than a responsibility given to her. 

Oh god. 

I forced myself to smile at the two of them. And reading the air of awkwardness between us, I knew I had to leave.

"I'm going ahead then, I'll just see you on the competition day, Jen." Not waiting for her response, I turned my back ready to walk away but then a loud ring from my phone stops me.

I immediately pick it out forgetting that I was about to leave.

My forehead creased as I saw the unknown number.

"Uh? Hello?"

"Lisa." My tone raised in question. This voice is familiar, very.

"Irene?" My thoughts was confirmed when I heard her laughter from the other side. 

Damn! How angelic!

"How did you know it was me?"

The sharp taking of breath I heard at the same time Irene asked me that made me turn. And I didn't like how Jennie was eyeing me as if I did something she didn't like. 

"Your voice gave you away, Irene." I answered ready to leave. 

"It did? That means you were paying attention on me, right?"

I left without looking back, but not without feeling someone's dangerous eyes on my back. I just knew it was from Jennie. But I didn't bother looking back. What for?

"Do you need something from me, Miss Irene?" 

"Really, Lalisa? Miss Irene?"

What's with these people? They hate it when I respect them.


"Just call me Irene, Lisa. And I called because I want to invite you for dinner."

"Dinner?" That made me gulp. 

There's no way I'm gonna agree! 

It was partly her fault that I was in that 'famous-thing' situation, I don't want to go.

"And I'm not accepting no, Lalisa. I'll see you later."

Before I could even say anything, the call ended, leaving me dumbfounded. 

What the heck?

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