29-Under the Blooming Sakura Tree

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The time where sakura blossoms were once in full bloom,

Marked the beginning of their promise.


My ears perked up at the voice that had said my name. I know this voice better than anyone and I can recognize it no matter how far he is or if he changed. It's Sesshomaru's stern voice. 

I want to turn around but for some reason I couldn't. My body wouldn't listen to me. No, it's like my body isn't mine. It feels like lead, heavy and dark just like a cage. The only light source came from where I can see the outside... It's like I'm trapped in my own body, what is going on??

I can feel my lips pull up into a smile as I look up at the sakura blossoms as a breeze blow by, blowing away most of the petals that had fallen on the ground and the ones that is about to fall on the ground. The scent was calming yet I can feel a considerably large amount of pain and sadness in my chest. It hurts so much that I find it hard to breath.

"You snuck out again." I can hear him sigh as he wrap his arms around me from behind. Happiness swells up inside of me so much that I thought my heart might explode. "It's in full bloom again."

I can feel my head nod, still smiling as we both enjoy the view of the beautiful sakura blossoms being picked up by the wind and blown up in the air, spreading its soothing scent throughout the garden.

"Yep. It's beautiful each time it blooms." My voice said in a soft tone.

Weird... I'm not moving or talking, so why? Why can't I move my body no matter how much I'm commanding it to move?!

I tried to scream but no sounds came out. No matter how much I struggle, my body won't move or do as I want. 

"No. You are much more beautiful."Sesshomaru whispered in my ears softly.

I have never, not even once hear him talk like this before. Why? Just what is going on here??

"W-w-what are you even saying?! Stop teasing me, jeez!" I can feel blood rush to my cheeks at his compliment as I looked at my feet. Even though I am confused, for some reason, I feel very calm and comfortable being here.

"You are only lady-like whenever you come here to look at this tree, Yuki. Do you still blame yourself?" At his words, the breeze picked up and I look up slowly at the giant sakura tree.

I shook my head, "No. Maybe a little, but this tree is all I have to remind me of Haha-ue. It is her favorite tree that she grew herself. Being here makes me feel like I'm actually spending time with her even though I never got to meet her."

A twinge of pain formed in my chest as I remembered that Haha-ue died giving birth to me. She refused to abort me. She wanted to give birth to me even though she knew it would cost her her life. This tree is the only momentum from her, besides my necklace. Even though I never got to meet her, she left behind things that will remind me of her. It's a really nice feeling to have someone think so much about you even if you were the reason why they lost their life, that they will never get to see you grow up or get to know you.

"I'm sure she's watching from the other world."

"Yep! I hope she's happy over there." Tears steam down my cheek as I answered Sesshomaru.

Sesshomaru just sighs as he turn me around to face him and wipe my tears with his thumb. "Crying doesn't suit you. You look best when you are acting like a spoiled brat."

"I don't act like a spoiled brat! You are just as mean as ever, Sesshomaru!" I huffed, puffing out my cheeks as I glared at him. However, I'm unable to stay angry at him so I end up smiling and hugged him with all my might.

"I will be gone for a bit."

I look up into his alluring gold eyes, curious. But his eyes gave me no answer nor does it seem like he will tell me where he will be heading and what for.

"Will you ... come back for me?" I asked hesitantly.

Why is he leaving??

"Don't be a fool. I will not abandon you. You just need to wait for me." His voice, filled with determination and fierce, and he looked up at the sky. His hands tighten around my shoulders as he pull me closer to him. "I cannot promise you when, but I will be back for you. I will be back for you not as who I am right now, but as your husband and Lord of the Western Lands."

"Lord of the Western Lands, huh? So you will be inheriting your Father's place... But coming back for me as my husband doesn't sound bad. Even if you don't come back as Lord of the Western Lands, I don't care. The one I love is the you in front of me, not someone who have a higher or lower status. That doesn't matter to me. As long as I can be with you, I'm sure I will be happy!" I smiled happily at Sesshomaru, who's staring at me wide eyed.

I'm sure, I will be as happy as Mother when he comes back for me! No. I will be happier. I want to spend an eternity with Sesshomaru no matter what.

"I know. I will be back, I promise."

Not long after, Sesshomaru left to succeed his Father's position as well as to stop the war between the Eastern Cats wanting to take over the Western Lands. I look forward to the news of the battle front everyday from Father's informant, mainly because I want to know how Sesshomaru is doing. I want to go see him but I can't. He made me promise, that day under the sakura that no matter what, I am not allowed to go to the battle front to see him. Eventually the war finally stopped, both sides ended up with severe casualties but Sesshomaru won. 

However, that was the last time I had heard about Sesshomaru. After the war ended, he had disappeared without a word. No one has seen him since then, not even his Mother nor his vessels.

Father, Natsumi, Aiko, and surprising Umi tried to convince me that Sesshomaru did not abandon me. They told me that Sesshomaru went to do something, something that will give him greater strength. Of course, I listened to them but day after day, week after week, month after month and eventually even years passed by without a word from Sesshomaru. His profile became like a blur to me. I could no longer remember exactly how he look like anymore.

Then one spring... I went to the garden. The sakura tree is in full bloom again.

"How many years has it been already since our promise under this tree? Did he forget about me, Mother? Did he forget about our promise? Or did something happen to him?" I questioned myself as I look at the sakura tree, blooming vibrantly. I clutched my chest as I remember all of our time together under this tree. The exact same tree that let us meet each other.

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HI EVERYONE :D So the next few chapters err will be Yuki's POV from her past, kk? :D Sorry this is coming off a bit weird but >.> well I don't even know but umm yeah. Just gonna be how they met and how they got together. ;D I'm pretty sure most of you are curious about how they even met right??? And yes, they have already met in a long past before chapter 1 even begin o 3o. okay okay enough spoilers

-ducks and dodges them arrows and bullets shot at me and runs-



 Enjoy :>

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