Are You Right For Me?~Sesshomaru Love Story~ Chapter 1

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Yuki’s POV

“You did what?! Father, you’re kidding me right?” I just could not believe what I just heard. How can he do this to me?!

“Don’t make Father repeat himself.” Umi said.

She’s so glad that this is happening to me to the point where she’s not even hiding her smirk. I shot a glare.

Father sighed, “Yuki, this marriage is going to be perfect for you. Your fiancé is the only son of my best friend who passed away about a hundred years ago, and he’s only 532 years old.

Father must be mad, that’s old…

“That’s not much gap between your age.” Umi added.


Unknown Fiancé=532


Age Difference =297

“For humans that is a huge gap but for us, yokai, it’s not much of a gap.” Father said.

In hell it’s not much of a gap! Everyone can tell that that’s a huge gap between us! He probably looks extremely old…and ugly. Ugh… I have to marry an old guy…ugh, gross. I feel sick in the stomach. 

Aiko came in, serving tea.

“Thank you, Aiko.” Father and Umi said taking their cup of tea.

I shook my head ‘no’. I’m in no mood to drink tea right now. Then she gave me her best puppy eyes….. “Fine.”

“It wouldn’t hurt to meet you fiancé, would it?” Aiko asked.

“I guess…it…wouldn’t?”

Wah!!!! Why am I so bad at making arguments?!!

“So you’re planning to forget him?” Umi said.

Anger started bursting inside me, “If it’s that easy, I would have forgot about him a long time ago!”

I ran out the room before tears have a chance to show themselves. 

Damn, of everything that’s brought up, she had to bring that up?! How long has it been since I had last cried, a century or two? I don’t know. I…don’t want to know either.

Aiko’s POV

I shake my head as Yuki ran out the room. “I think you said too much, Umi.”

A little too much, actually.

“Really? I don’t think so.” Umi said, like nothing had just happened.

Father sighed, “You over did it this time.”

“I don’t care, I don’t like Yuki even if she’s my younger sister. She’s the one who killed Mother.”

Father flinched. Umi’s words are as sharp as knifes sometime and poisonous like the most poisonous snake. I sighed.

How much does she intend to harm Yuki?

“Umi, Yuki has never seen Mother once, while you stayed with Mother for nearly two centuries. Is that not enough?” Father asked.

“No it’s not! I loved Mother more than anyone that includes you, Father!” With that she ran out the room.

“What should I do with that child?” Father sighed.

Umi hates Yuki for being born…since Mother died after giving birth to her. Yuki think it’s her fault that Mother died giving birth to her. This family’s getting ready to break apart anytime if we don’t do something.

“Soku-sama, there’s a lady from the Western Land who wishes to see you.”

“Escort her here, Aiko, go make some tea.”


Is the ‘lady’ someone important?

????? POV

“I think we’re lost Sesshomaru-sama.”

I know that...weird I can’t pick up any scent…

The bush started rustling and a girl with black hair came out the bush. She looks familar....

“State your name and business!” Jaken said.

She twitched, “That’s my line. Who are you people….no, you two are also yokai…What business do you have here?”

“How dare you!”

“If you don’t answer me…you will not leave here alive and I am not in a good mood to play around today.”

Human…no she is also a yokai. Maybe she knows where the castle is. “Girl, where is Soku’s castle?”

“What business do you have with Father?”

So she’s one of Soku’s hime (princess). She is does not act like one though…the way she dress that is and since when did Soku had another daughter?

“That is not your business, Ohime-san (princess). Take me to Soku.”

Her face read ‘who are you commanding?’, “No, I don’t know you or why are you here. I will not bring you to Father.”

She is just as stubborn as her brother…maybe less ignorant.

“If you do not wish to be hurt…lead the way.”

“I don’t think you can even scratch me.” T_T She tilted her head to the left a little.

I gave her a warning yet she’s not listening, if she gets hurt it will not be my problem.

“Well, well, if it isn’t Sesshomaru, Lord of the Western Land. What brought you here? And what are you trying to do with my sister?” a voice from the tree asked.

I look up at the tree as he jumped down. “I see that you are still alive that is unexpected, I thought you died years ago.”

“My life is long and no one wants me to die. So what were you trying to do to my sister?”

“Aniki (brother)…We’re about to fight…why are you here?”

“You don’t have a chance against him…yet, Yuki. Father wants you back home now…and also to bring that guy *points at Sesshomaru* with us.”

“How dare you point your finger at Sesshomaru-sama!”

“You are also still alive imp, if you do not shut up, I will end your life right now. This is our family territory after all.”

Yuki sighed, “I’m not going to back until I cool off, and you bring them home yourself.” She walked off after saying that.

“Father said to bring you back by force if needed to.”

“…Child’s threat? I’m not heading back until later.”

“You leave me with no choice then…sleep for a bit.” Natsume appeared behind her and knocked her out. “And don't hate me. Let’s go.”

Natsume’s ability is wind, what is this girls’?

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