Chapter 22: Broken Restraint

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Okay, so before you read this chapter PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE read this note first!!!! XD >< So I decided to type a bit earlier than I had originally planned since I couldn't sleep. So I stayed up all night typing this chapter until 2:38 AM. And now my wrist hurts. So yeah, anyway, ignoring my pain, getting straight to the point. There's going to be a bit lemon in the the chapter but I'll post a reminder before the whole lemon scene starts. And it's my first time writing a lemon, and I admit, I suck at it no matter how much I practice writing it! So go easy on me if you don't like the scene. And for those who don't like to read lemons, just stop reading when the reminder/warning comes up. It's typed in bold so you'll know. Well then enjoy the chapter, I'm gonna go mess with my sore wrist now. XD

Yuki's Pov

"When are you going to wake up? My neck is getting stiff from not being able to move for apparently who knows how long already." I mutter under my breath so I won't wake this devil up by any chance. Who can sleep so peacefully with someone sitting on their lap?

Someone please wake him up!!! I don't want to do it because I don't want to get thrown over his shoulder again. Being thrown over his shoulder once is enough for the day!! He's not even gentle when he throws me over his shoulder. Just like I said, he's the devil himself. Where is Jaken when I need him for something like this?

I glance around my room, staring at everything slowly, trying to distract myself from noticing how sore my shoulders are becoming. But no matter how hard I try, I failed. So I thought of something 'fun' to do. I grab a few strands of Sesshomaru's hair and began to braid. And it's actually pretty fun braiding his hair without him noticing.

Yep, Sesshomaru's better when he's asleep than awake.

And exactly when I thought I was enjoying myself, that stupid, ugly,green, gooey, midget, gay, single, sissy, hater, loud mouth, helpless imp just had to come breaking in. He slide open the door so loud that it made contact with the door frame with a loud thud! I jumped out of my skin at the sudden intrusion. And of course...with that loud noise and me jumping...the devil himself woke up from his little nap, slightly irritated.

"Lord Sesshomaru!! The servants have completed your order!! What's is your next command?!" Jaken ask.

To me, it was more like he screamed at the top of his lungs. =.=

"Jaken. How many times did I tell you not to interrupt?!" Sesshomaru growled as he tighten his grip around my waist even more.

Oh, how great. Now the devil's up and angry. I'm going to be in hell in a few minutes.

"M-my apologies, Lord Sesshomaru. I won't do it again ever!" Jaken stutter as he bowed.

Too be honest, I can't see that happening anytime soon or in the future. But hey, he did wake Sesshomaru up, meaning I get to move around now!! Yay me!! But before anything...

"Sesshomaru...I can't breath properly if your going to tighten your grip on my waist that much." I groan, as I try to loosen his grip as much as possible.

"Jaken, get out. And don't interrupt again." Sesshomaru command in a threatening tone. Jaken nods and like, ran out the room, closing the door.

Okay....I have to find a way to unbraid his hair without him noticing or I'm dead meat. On top of that his grip didn't loosen at all.


"Y-yes?" I flinch a bit, sweat forming on my forehead.

"Play with your own hair next time. Or else.." He said in annoyance. Or else what? He turn me around so I'm facing him. Then he lean down on my collarbone and bury his face in my neck.

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