Are You Right For Me?~ Sesshomaru Love Story~ Chapter 12

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So Yeah, I used some ideas but not all, sorry ^^ But I hope you'll enjoy this chapter. :-)


Sesshomaru's POV

~A while Later~

I thought bringing her back to a place where we been together before but..... it seems like she's using it as an area to fall asleep. Maybe I put my hopes a little too high? I'm seriously surprised that she doesn't remember.....

I was away for a long time so I really can't blame her if she doesn't remember or recall anything. But for her to forget completely is.....what's the word? ...... Not right.... it don't feel right for her to forget such things.

"Hn........" Uh-oh..... She woke up....not a very good sign.... "Hm....W-what the hell?!!!!! Put me down!"

My ears hurt..... "Be quiet."

"Put me down!"

When will she stop shouting? I don't understand how can she shout so loud. Is she even a girl?!

"Be quiet!"

Why don' t she just listen the first time?!

"Put me down first!"

"Shut up!"

"Put me down!"

I can't continue this argument, if I did I will be insane.  "Don't run off." I stated as I set her on her feet.

"Who said I was. Just don't touch me without my permission." She mumbled, turning away from me.

She still mumbles a lot. "We're heading back to the castle."

"I don't need you to tell me that!" She stated and walked a head of me. She just don't learn at times do she?

Yuki's POV

Why must weird things happen to me all the time?! The first thing I realize when I woke up was in that bastards hand!

Why can't it be peaceful for just one day and I would be so happy, happy enough to kill myself or act like nothing happened at all.

If everything can be peaceful for once, it would be cursed or jinxed. Apparently my life can never be peaceful for some reason. But I really wish that my life can be peaceful for once, too many things are happening in my life one after another without a break. I really think I need a break from my family before I go nuts.

I slammed my room door shut and fall back onto my bed. I feel like I'm forgetting something important today.... What was it? ….Hm.....I don't remember.....What was suppose to happen today? I really can't remember, dammit.

“Yuki-sama, I'm coming in.” The door slide open, revealing Aya with a set of clothing in her arms.

“What are those clothes for?” I asked.

“For you to change in, and shouldn't you be getting out of bed already?” Aya questioned.

“Why? What for? And why change into that thing?” I asked pointing at the dark purple kimono with white and pink designs that is folded in her arms.

“Did you forgot that you're leaving with Lord Sesshomaru and Lady Kimi today?” She sighed. that's what I forgot. “So please get up and change into this, everyone is waiting.”

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