Valentines Special~~~Late ^_^

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Okay, so anyway, couldnt get started much with the next chapter so I wrote a special chapter since I havent done so in a long time! :D And since its a special chapter, its gonna be a side story with side characters:

Toya- Very energetic girl, who is always eating something

Eiken- Quiet boy but pays close attention to everything, most people find him creepy

:D Gonna start the story now xD


"Yuki, are you doing anything for today?" Toya asked, completely hyped up as I lean on the window.

"Nope, not at all." I said, throwing my long locks behind my shoulder. "Why? "

Toya looks like she's about to cry as she flails her arms. "IT'S VALENTINES DAY!!!! YOU SHOULD BE CELEBRATING IT WITH SOMEONE SPECIAL!!!!!!" She shouted as I covered my ears.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. I can careless." I said, looking out the window. The girls were giving boys chocolates under the trees and what nots. They look so stupid. 

"I bet you're thinking that they look so stupid right now." Eiken said, pushing up his glasses. 

I gave him a disgusted look. "Only if I get one dollar every time you guess what's on my mind, I'd  be so rich." I said sarcastically, waving my hand in the air.

 "If only that would happen." Toya laughed, like an idiot. Eiken and I looked at her confused

I scratched the back of my head. "Only if something like that can actually happen, won't everyone be rich?" I sighed, closing my eyes. There was a loud scream as thousands of feet ran through the hall outside the classroom "What is wrong with them?" 

I stopped leaning against the wall, putting my full weight on my feet and looked out the window. The girls were all running in one direction like there is an emergency. "Is there a fire or something?" I asked. 

"The alarm didn't even go off." Eiken said, looking outside the class. He looked back at me and Toya and formed an 'O' with his mouth. I raised an eyebrow. He caught on immediately that I don't get his message. "Mr. Popular over there is being chased."

"Mr. Popular? Who?" I asked, walking over to him. Then I noticed who he was talking about as some girls team away with tears in their eyes. Sesshomaru, the school's most popular guy, a student and model. Great at sports and whatever he does but there's rumor about him being the ice king. I looked at the girls who ran down the hall on the verge of crying to their death. "Wow. How dramatic." I sighed with sarcasm.

"you're just heartless." Toya said.

"Of course... it's like a tradition ever since we've got into school that every girl chases this guy even though they get rejected each year they confess." I said shrugging my shoulders.

Toya looked like she was just brutally murdered pale. Eiken and I looked at her, confused. She pointed down the hall. We turned around and saw Sesshomaru walking towards us. "I'm imagining it right?!" Toya said almost screaming.

"No, you just saw his ghost." I teased, containing myself from laughing. Then I felt someone lift me up.

"Midget, we need a talk." He said as he threw me over his shoulder.

I feel as if the death god has come to take me away. Toya and Eiken stood there like statues as I get kidnapped by this Mr. Popular. =.= Some nice and helpful friends. He put me down one we were in an empty room.

"How nice of you?" I grumbled, rolling my eyes.

"That would be my line. The girl who won't even blink twice when there are other girls after her boyfriend." Sesshomaru said coldly.

"Shhhh. Goodness, what if someone finds out?" I mumbled looking around. He smirked. "Fine... happy valentines day." I said, giving him a kiss on the cheeks before giving him his chocolate.

"Now that's more like it." He said, then kissed my lips before leaving with a satisfied smile.


Doneee. lol sorry it took so long. I was brain dead >. >

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