Are You Right For Me?~Sesshomaru Love Story~ Chapter 5

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Yuki's POV

Remeber life is not always's in-between both good and bad, you have to learn how to accept both... you will lose but gain better experiences... do not regret anything that is going to happen from here on out....This is your fate and life... Do not run away from the present.... Be brave and face them... MY dear child....

My...dear....child....? Who....

"Who...are you?" I asked, opening my eyes.

"....Are you actually talking to me?" Aiko asked with a worried look.

I looked around and suddenly realize that my hand is free from Sesshomaru's hand. " FREE!!!! Yay! Finally! I thought I was going to be glued to that guy forever!" I stated happily, jumping out of bed.

".....Yuki?!" I gulped and sat down quietly, Aiko had anger marks on her forehead...... o_O'

"Yes?..." I have a really bad feeling......I think I'm going to die soon....

"Who were you talking to earlier? Or are you just sleep talking?" she asked, eyeing me carefully.

I scratched the back of my head, not knowing how to answer her. "Well...I ugh... guess you can say sleep talking?"

But if I must was a pretty weird dream.... It's not common for me to have dreams at all. What is going on? That woman in my dream... I feel like I like I know her but I don't remember her face... What is the meaning of that dream?

"So...what did you dream about?" Aiko asked, a little worried.

"Ah..... I can't remember clearly but it was under water... A woman in green kimono telling me to accept my life.... Is that suppose to mean anything?" I asked.

She look shocked. "Green kimono? What design does it have?"

"A bunch of different color petals on the end of the sleeves.... She have really long black hair, probably as long as the length of our hair connected...and a really gentle smile.... but I can't seem to remember her face!!!!!!!!!!!! This is frustrating!!!!" I sighed, trying to remember the woman's face in my dream.

"I see...well should we get started?" Aiko asked, smiling.

"Get started..on what?" I asked. What should we get started on? What is she talking about?

"For your ceremony later on." she replied. :-D

.....?????? "What...ceremony?"

..."Aya! Get a doctor here right now!!!!!!!!!" Aiko shouted as Aya ran out the room.

"...Who's sick?" I asked.

She just glared at me and pushed me back into bed. "You lay there until the doctor comes!"

"Uh...Ok?" Something's really off today, what's going on?


The door suddenly flew open, Natsume, Father, Sesshomaru and his mother came in with a doctor. "What happened?!" Natsume asked.

"Yuki's acting weird, I think she's sick!" Aiko said.

Me...sick?..... What the hell?.....T_T That's highly impossible for me to get sick, I was never once sick in my life time!

"Does she have a fever?!" Father asked and the doctor checked my forehead.

"No." Then he checked my pulse rate. "Everything's normal...Do you feel dizzy any where?"

.......... These idiots!!! "I'm not sick at all!!!!! Damn, what is the problem with you guys today?!!!" I shouted, extremely irritated that they all think I'm sick.

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