Are You Right For Me?~Sesshomaru Love Story~ Chapter 4

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Yuki's POV

"--ke up!"

I sat up and rubbed my eyes, "Whadda ya want?" I asked, pulling the blanket over my head.

"Get up and change into this, now!" Aiko said, tearing the blanket off my head, and tossed a thick kimono on me.

"Fine." I grumbled, as I grabbed the kimono and walk into the closet to change.

I hate today!!!! Why can't I sleep in like usual?! And whats with this kimono?!!! Why does it have so much layers?! I don't care anymore!!! I walked out the closet and stood there, yawning.

"Put your kimono on right for once!" Aiko sighed as she fixed my kimono, and placed a bow on my hair.

"Leave my hair alone, it's fine as it is." I mumbled, after the bow was place on my hair.

"Stop complaining, Father is waiting along with the others." Aiko said leading me out the room.

She's lucky that I'm still half a sleep or else I would have been thrown a fit for waking me up when I'm in the middle of my sleep!! T_T

"Why are you rushing me?" I asked, walking slowly behind her rubbing my eyes.

I'm so damn tired to the point where I just want to lay back on my bed...I slept in the guest room, how did she know where I was? Oh well, it doesn't matter I always knew she had a third eye.

"Because I wasted time looking for you and you took too long to change into your kimono! Now go sit down!" she said and opened the door.

In the room was a bunch of random people I don't know, I walked over to Natsume and sat down.

"Your still not awake?" he asked.

I yawned. "Leave me alone, I'm tired." I mumbled.

"Told you to go to bed early last night." he snickered.

"No you didn't."

"Yeah, blame everything on your brother." he said and rubbed my head.

"Aniki! You're going to mess up her hair!" Aiko scolded Natsume.

"It's already messed up anyway." Natsume shrugged.

"You mean your hair?" I asked. T_T

"Hey, don't insult my hair!" He replied putting me in a headlock.

"Aniki!" AIko started.

I don't like being put in a head lock.

"You asked for it!" I said as I grabbed one of his arm and threw him across the room. Then I stretched my arms.

"Yuki!" Aiko said, kind of mad.

"What?" I asked plainly bored.

"That is really unappropriated for a lady!" she scolded.

Umi schuckled, "She was never like a lady to start with."

I agree, even if it's an insult. Most of the guest had their mouth dropped open, not like I care, they are no one to me anyway.

Everyone's attention turned to the door when Father cleared his throat. Standing behind him was Sesshomaru and his Mother, followed by the imp.

"What happened here?" Father asked.

"Don't bother, should we announce the news now?" Aiko asked.

What news? About what? Is it that important that they have to drag me out of bed? Anyway, if it's not important I was throw someone out the window...ok I'm not going to throw someone put the window but I will probably beat someone up. ><'

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