Are You Right For Me?~Sesshomaru Love Story~Chapter 8

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Yuki's POV

Goodness, what type of hot mess did I got myself into this time? I really hate that Sesshomaru bastard guy and what exactly does he want me to cooperate him with or for?

I mean he thinks so god damm highly of himself so why does he want me to cooperate with him? This is confusing..... And on top of that.....THAT BASTARD STOLE MY FIRST KISS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I going murder him whenever I find the chance!

"Yuki-sama, Soku-tono wants to see you in the main room-----.......... What happened here?! Are you hurt at any chance?!" Aya asked, over reacting.

And this is why I don't want to tell anyone anything, they over react too much. T_T If I get sick, they will think it's the end of the world, if I cry they will think someone made me cry and try to find that person then probably torture them or something..... I don't want to know at all.

Yeah.......My family's a little too weird to be dai-yokai's.

"Nothing happened, I was looking for something and I guess I turned the bathroom inside out without knowing." I replied, looking at the mess I made.

Wow..... I really flipped this place inside out it's like a mountain of trash..... And it might take forever to clean.... ^.^

"Oh, I see. I'll get someone to clean up then, you should hurry up and go see Tono, he looks like he have something urgent to tell you." Aya sighed.

"Ah, thanks Aya."

I ran out the room, only if I wasn't wearing this damn fancy kimono I would be running much faster! But what does Father want this time?

"What now?" I asked, sliding the door open.

"Why do you look tired?" Father asked ignoring my question.

"I was running in this heavy kimono!" Duh!

I want to burn all these stupid fancy kimonos! They are a curse to woman! Well, to me at least.

"You could have just walked instead."

....Well, my bad. T.T  "Why did you call for me in the first place?"

If Aya didn't say it was urgent, I would have take my time and go take a walk instead of being here!

Father sighed. "You are going to return to the Western Lands with Lord Sesshomaru and Kimi-sama tomorrow."

What?! "Tomorrow?!"


"Why must I go with them to a place I don't even know?! And why tomorrow?! Why not in a couple of days or weeks?! I don't want to go somewhere with strangers!" I stated.

This is urgent business?! I don't give a crap about this! I don't want to go some place with a person who I am suppose to call husband yet I don't even know him! And his Mother who is just creepy who  smiles all the time!

"It's my final decision."

"Fine, do what you want!" I shouted and left the room.

Ugh!!!!!! I hate my damn life!!!! Why must I get married all of a sudden and move to some place I don't know of?!

"Life sucks!" I grumbled, as I walked to the garden.

"Sucks, sucks, sucks."

"...Hey Aki."

The parrot landed on my shoulder and slide off because of the many layers on the stupid kimono. "This stupid kimono irks my soul!!!" 

"Hey, irks my soul, hey, irks my soul."

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