Are You Right For Me~Sesshomaru Love Story~ Chapter 10

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I feel like slacking for some reason, forgive me. ^.^


Yuki's POV

I-it's baby tigers!!!!!! They are so cute!!!! >////< And So small, but they don't have any fur. Well.. I guess the fur will grow later when they get bigger, but I won't be able to see it. *Gloomy background* AH!!!!! Why must I be in a crappy situation? Would Father die if I just stay home while that so called 'husband' goes back to the Western Lands?! 

No...It actually feels more like I'm being kick out of the family.T.T Damn! Fine, if he want to kick me out so bad just say so goodness! "Rika...Take care, I might not visit for a awhile now."

..... But the part that piss me off the most is that I won't be able to see Rika or Aki or RIka's cubs anymore and not to mention that I have no idea what-so-ever of how does the Western Land look like or what creatures lives there.

Yeah, I've been slacking in my studies, I never bothered to even pick a book up unless they catch my interest within the first line or they can just say goodbye.

And now I'm married to a guy I don't even know that came or owns the Western Lands. Not to mention that I don't even know his history from since he was born.

No, I'm not being nosy! I just want to know about the guy I'm going to be staying with for the rest of my life for who knows how long. And I don't think I'm asking for too much either. All I want to know is what is his power, what is he good at, what does he like, his age, his height, his first love, his goal, his favorite place, and what was his childhood like.

See that's not a lot at all....I guess it kind of is a lot but hey, I'm trying to get to know a guy that I'm married to but don't know anything about.

Well, I don't hate him but he irks my soul. Now that I think about it.... I don't really hate him, I just don't want to marry someone I don't know when there's someone in my heart already. It wouldn't be fair to him at all and he probably have someone he love....maybe? I don't know.

I wish I can think clearly like this all the time....Which will be never since I can only think clearly when I'm not peace, not rest in peace! In a peaceful state of mind! So don't get the wrong idea!

But really....I wish the time would just stop right now, everything's so peaceful. I wish this moment can last long enough.

"Hey are you going to stay here forever?" A voice said behind me.

I tilted my head and turned around sighing. "Why? What do you want this time, Sesshomaru?"

"It's dinner time."

"Already?" Time really went by fast today, since when was it  night time?

......Crap, instead of going around to see this place one last time, I just sat here under a tree thinking about things?! How deep did I go into my thoughts?

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