The Protector of Skye James- Part 4

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Past- First time seeing Skye after 5 years (2023)

The city roared with its familiar morning chaos, bustling and alive even at 9 am. As the citizens hurried to their workplaces, I too found myself swept up in the frenzy, already late for my own job. The cacophony of urban sounds swirled around me, occasionally overwhelming, yet effectively drowning out the persistent thoughts of her that haunted my mind. Just as I attempted to navigate through the maze of bustling streets, my phone buzzed insistently, interrupting my chaotic reverie. I hastily reached into my pocket and read the message.

"Where are you? You're late, Daniel is waiting"

I sighed and quickly responded, "Nearly there, Rhys". Gazing ahead, I picked up my pace, intent on reaching my destination. Then, in an unexpected moment, a woman passed by my right, moving in the opposite direction. I turned, my eyes widening as I whispered to myself, "Skye?" My steps faltered as I watched her continue on her path almost as if she was in slow-motion, seemingly unaware of my presence. In that fleeting moment of hesitation, I made a split-second decision to follow her. Rhys and Daniel would have to wait a while longer.

A few blocks away, Skye stopped at a small group of people. Three women and a man were waiting for her. I watched from a short distance as the women greeted her with smiles and hugs. Skye turned towards the man now, he caught her in his embrace. His hands lightly touched her face and he kissed her passionately on her lips. I stood there stunned and a slow growl erupted from my throat, my jaw clenched tightly. The group was now huddled in a small circle, the women laughed with Skye but the unknown man, who was much taller than Skye, was standing directly behind her, his hands lingering on her waist and his body tight against her back. He showed no emotion, just stood there holding Skye's waist as she giggled with the other women. His eyes peered down towards her and seemed to never let her out of his sight. I immediately tasted blood in my mouth and my fist tightened. I couldn't bring myself to approach the group, let alone Skye. She seemed content and happy and I didn't want to disturb that right now. I hastily turned and walked away. I would see Skye soon.

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