The Protector of Skye James- Part 10

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Past- A few weeks after Candice forgives Sam (2025)

She ran her fingers across the spine of each book, stopping suddenly at one and picking it off the shelf. She read the blurb, sighed and placed it back, frustration spilling over her beautiful features. She continued along the shelves, the sunlight illuminating her body, casting intermittent shadows across her face. She stopped again, this time, her body swayed slowly; she grabbed hold of the shelf to keep herself from falling. She peered down at her hands and noticed they were shaking, she squeezed her hands tightly and reached into her bag. She pulled out a small container, twisting the lid. One final pill spilled out into her open palm. She stared at the pill for a moment and then threw her head back, swallowing it quickly.

It took everything for me not to stand up then and there, to catch her as she swayed again, trembling as a small tear parted from her eyes. She used her sleeve to wipe the tear and sniffed quietly.

"Skye!", a voice called out and she turned to see a girl approaching her.

"Hey", Skye smiled, catching her in a quick embrace.

"How are you feeling after the other week?", the girl asked.

Skye's expression faltered for a moment.

"The club?" the girl asked again, a confused expression wavering across her face.

"Oh...yeah...that. Umm, it was fine, I think Xavier brought me home", Skye said, her eyes unsure.

"Hey, are you okay?", she asked, "You don't look too great right now, do you feel sick?"

"Uh, no, I mean, yeah I'm fine. Just tired from work is all", Skye lied.

Suddenly, the girl's mobile vibrated in her hand, "Shit, I've got to get this, it's Mason. I'll catch you later Skye". She wandered off leaving Skye alone again.

I followed Skye out of the library, my steps quiet so as to not alert her to my presence. I walked behind her as she got into her car and headed off.

My car slowed to a stop as I breathed a heavy sigh, Skye had stopped at a familiar lake and was standing at the end of the pier. Her arms were wrapped around her body tightly. I watched her for a few moments from my car as her hand made its way to her bag, this time, she pulled out a clear bottle of alcohol. I breathed heavily and got out of my car.

"What have you got yourself into Skye?", I said, interrupting her mid-swallow.

"Sam...", she said, her eyes were red and her speech was slurred. She turned her body towards me.

"You know you're not meant to take medication and drink at the same time", I responded, as I watched her from a close distance.

"I can handle myself, I've already told you this", she replied sharply.

"It doesn't fucking seem like you can if I'm being honest", I said, my hand gesturing towards the bottle sitting next to her.

"Why...can't you just...leave me...alone?" she asked, her voice drifting off into a whisper, as she took another long sip of her drink.

"You know why", I said bluntly.

"What are you gonna do, Sam? Keep running to my aid every time I need help!"

"Most likely. You're a mess right now", I responded.

"Fuck off, Sam. I didnt need your help back at school and I certainly don't need your fucking help now", she spat back, hatred deep in her words.

"Why are you sitting here, Skye? Of all the places you could have gone to, why did you pick this lake?" I asked, taking a small step towards her now.

She sighed heavily, taking another sip, "I don't know, okay, I felt so sad and I came here. I don't know why". She took three more drinks from the bottle quickly, less than a quarter was now left.

"Skye, please put the bottle down, okay, this isn't you", I pleaded with her now. Her face crumpled as more tears started to well in her eyes.

She stood up, relying on the wooden pole to hold her up. "You don't know me, Sam. I'm not the same person I was in high school. I've...changed", she said, her eyes opening and closing as her legs swayed again.

I stepped closer towards her again, nervousness started to seep into me.

"Don't you come any closer!", she yelled now, pointing her finger towards me.

"Skye, just move away from the ledge, you're putting yourself at risk", I said in a calm tone, my eyes focusing carefully on her feet as she edged closer towards the ledge.

Suddenly, Skye's eyes widened, her mouth forming a silent gasp. Her foot tumbled over the other and I heard a loud crack as her forehead collided with the wooden ledge of the pier. Her body plunged deep into the water and she started sinking beneath the surface.

"Fuck!", I screamed, "Skye!", my voice raw with panic.

In a matter of seconds, Skye's body was sinking deeper into the water, disappearing from view until I could barely make out her form.

In an instant, I tore off my shirt and kicked off my shoes, plunging headfirst into the water. The icy coldness enveloped around me, sending a chill coursing through my body. I swam deeper down, searching for her in the darkness. Finally, my outstretched hand brushed against hers, and I felt the chilling touch of her lifeless body and I saw her drifting further down, down into the water. I pulled her arm up hard towards me, my grip strengthened around her waist as I kicked violently up towards the surface. My breath shattered the surface of the water, I coughed and pulled Skye along with me, her eyes closed and her limp body unmoving "Come on, Skye", I yelled as I swam towards the shore. I pushed her body forward in front of mine, her body scraping against the ground. I pulled myself up onto my knees, my breath heavy and wheezing. "Skye!", I yelled again, clutching at her face. Blood was now gushing from her forehead. I leant down towards her, praying to hear her steady breath but there was silence.

"Fuck!" I yelled and pulled her head back slightly.

I pulled her arms away from her, exposing her chest. I quickly interlocked my hands over each other, and started pressing down firmly and quickly, starting the compressions. "Come on, Skye!", I yelled, my chest beating so hard and fast as I pressed down on her. I grabbed her head and titled it up slightly, covered her nose and pressed my mouth to hers, breathing two heavy breaths down into her lungs. I quickly glanced at her again, realised she still hadn't woken so continued pushing hard against her chest.

"12, 13, 14, 15" I was counting when suddenly Skye took a deep breath in, her eyes shot open and she coughed up water..

"Skye, oh my God, Skye" I said, clutching on to her.

"Sam...", she said, her voice low and weak, "I can't...", her voice trailed off and she closed her eyes again but her breathing was slow now.

"It's okay, it's okay, baby, I've got you", I said. I carefully laced one arm around her neck and the other under her knees and used all my strength to stand up. Her body was drenched and cold as I stood there, the blood from her head trickling down across my arm and onto the ground before us. I raced to the car and drove her straight to the hospital.

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