The Protector of Skye James- Part 8

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Past- 2 years in a relationship with Candice (2025)

Candice's hands slid over my shoulders and trailed down my arms until she laced her hands in mine. She kissed me passionately, the scent of vodka lingering on her breath. Her body moved to the rhythm of the music as she turned away from me, dancing against me. Her hips and thighs teased me again and again just as they had done over the past few months. Her neck arched to the side, a vulnerable curve accentuating the delicate line of her throat. As my hands found my way down the length of her body and gripped tightly onto her hips, I planted a desperate kiss on her gorgeous neck. I breathed in her scent, hungry for her body again tonight. She giggled lightly, "Stop fucking teasing me, babe" I whispered darkly into her ear, a slight smile forming around the edges of my mouth.

"Candice! Come dance!" yelled Sara, motioning for Candice to follow her. Candice laughed again as she gently pushed off my body, grabbed her glass and headed onto the dance floor. I sat back in my seat, watching the two girls and sipped my drink. I watched for a few moments and smiled, feeling the slight dizziness overcome me from the alcohol. I took another sip and as my eyes went to search through the strobing lights for the girls again, my heart thudded aggressively inside me. I watched as she walked across the dancefloor, her hand raking once through her long brown hair, her forehead slick with sweat. Another surge of adrenaline coursed through me, and I closed my eyes briefly, I had envisioned her. But I knew she wasn't really here. I stood up and stumbled towards the bathroom, manoeuvring through the wave of bodies.

The cold water drenched my collar and shirt as I splashed it onto my face. I looked up into the mirror and dark circles were beginning to make a home under my tired eyes. I grabbed a paper towel and quickly wiped my face, throwing it into the bin as I left the bathroom.

I stood still for a few seconds, monitoring my balance as I scanned briefly through the bodies again. I closed my eyes for a moment and reopened to see her there, her lips pressed onto his, his hand crawling up her waist and dangling under her jawline. Her body was tight against his and I felt my heart thump heavily again inside my chest. "She's not really here" I told myself again and closed my eyes again, forcing myself to erase the vision of her. But when I reopened my eyes, there she stood again, his hands now gripped onto her ass. I watched for a few moments longer until he finally released his grip, kissed her once more quickly and walked away, heading outside. I looked down, gripped my wrist with my other hand and clenched my jaw, "Fuck!" I said aloud, shaking my head, my movements following his trail to the outside of the club.

I eyed him intently for a moment as he inhaled his cigarette and took a sip of his drink. Another girl was standing in close proximity to him and he was watching her. She peered up at him and smiled and he responded with a nod, smirking in her direction. She stepped up to him and he peered down at her face. They mumbled words that were incoherent from my distance and I watched as he grabbed her hip with one hand, pulled her close and kissed her on the lips.

"What the fuck are you doing!", I yelled, charging towards him. My fist glided into his jaw. He stumbled back a few steps, his hand gripping his face where blood now seeped from. He looked back to me now, a fury in his eyes "Who the fuck are you?" he yelled back, his shoulder making contact with my chest as he slammed into me and punched me in the face. His hand created an uneven split above my eye, trailing into my eyebrow. We fell to the ground but got back up quickly, "Skye is in there waiting for you and you're out here cheating on her!" I yelled again, my fist making contact with his stomach. His body slouched over as he regained his strength, his breath now heavy. "I didn't fucking do anything" he retorted, his fist narrowly missing my eye again. My body slammed into his, pushing us both onto the ground again. I crawled on top of him, my fist pounding into his face until his shirt seeped with blood and his face was cut and bloodied.

"Hey! Stop, you two! Back the fuck up" I heard a voice yell out as two large security guards strided towards us. One of the guards grabbed me by my shoulders and pulled me up off him, pulling me further and further away from him "You better fucking watch your back, Ill fucking kill you if you hurt her", I spat before my body collided backwards onto the wet concrete. One of the guards grabbed onto him and pulled him back inside.

"Don't even fucking think about walking back in here" yelled the security guard, pointing violently towards me. "My girlfriend is in there!" I yelled back before he violently slammed the door shut. I remained on the ground for a few seconds, catching my breath.

"Sam?" said Candice suddenly.

I peered up towards her, my own blood now pooling out of my face.

"What the fuck?" she whispered, her voice whimpered as tears started forming in her eyes. She turned and started to walk away from me.

"Fuck! Candice, wait!" I yelled out, hastily getting to my feet to follow her.

The cool ice stung my eye as she placed it gently on my face. Candice was kneeled in front of me, my shirt was unbuttoned and her high heels were laying on the ground. She avoided my eyes and she placed another icepack on my knuckles. I peered down at her, my fingers making their way up to her cheek as I stroked it gently and sighed. "Candice," I whispered.

"Don't," she demanded, glaring at me now.

"Just let me explain" I pleaded, my lips gently placing a kiss on her cheek now.

" I said fucking don't!" she said louder, her voice echoing slightly through the room.

She removed the ice from my eye and sighed heavily.

"Who is she?" she spoke so quietly I almost missed it.

"Who?" I asked, lying.

"The girl you fell into a trance over, you were looking at her like she was a ghost who returned from the dead".

I eyed her carefully then looked down, my chest seizing again as a flash of them kissing clouded my mind.

"She must be someone because you bashed the fuck out of her poor boyfriend", she added quickly.

I breathed heavily as I spoke her name, "Skye", I said bluntly.

"So you do know her?"

"I did know her".

"What happened?"

I paused briefly, a surge of memories invaded my mind as I remembered "What she fails to grasp is that all those emotions I have the capacity to simply Turn. Them. Off"

"She didn't want me around her anymore" I finally spoke.

"How long ago?"

"7 years" I responded.

I watched as Candice suddenly stood up, turned and hurried out of the room. 

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