𝐢. a new life

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Chapter 1 | A NEW LIFE

Chapter 1 | A NEW LIFE

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[ Bran ]

"YOU MUST BE PRESENTABLE!" Sansa protested. She lifted one of Bran's doublets to his chest. "Like a prince!" Her eyes sparkled. His big sister always loved reading stories about princes and princesses. Those were his least favorites. "But I'm not a prince," Bran argued. I just want to be a knight of the kingsguard, he thought. "I don't even want to get married . . ."

Arya messed with his hair, "well too bad, little brother!" Bran smacked her hand away. "It would be funny if she were ugly," She chuckled.

Sansa sucked in her breath. "Arya, you shouldn't say such things!"

"I was only kidding!" She rolled her eyes. "Targaryens are known for their beauty anyway."

What if she thinks I'm ugly?

Sansa could read the nervousness on her little brother's face. "Hey, don't be nervous, she's going to adore you." She smoothed out his hair, fixing what Arya ruined. "You're easy to love, dear brother."

"Thanks, Sansa." He smiled.

There was a knock on the chamber door. It was their mother. "Ned will be back soon with the girl, what are you guys doing?" Sansa giggled, "just helping our brother get ready."

His mother looked at him with her ocean eyes. "Bran, if you don't want them in here—"

"It's okay mother," he reassured. He lifted up the grey doublet to his chest. "I think I'll go with this one."

Sansa clapped with glee. "Oh perfect! That was my favorite one."

Arya had an idea. "You should give her something once she arrives!"

"Like what?"

They all began to think. Sansa's eyes lightened up, "I know!" She looked over at the vase of flowers on the dresser. "You should give her a winter rose, that would be so romantic!"

"Well, you best find one quickly," their mother warned them. They all flinched, forgetting she was standing at the door. "They will be here soon!" Bran and Arya ran out of the room. "No running in the Great Keep!" They both immediately stopped running, speed walking instead. "Yes mother," the both of them said in unison.

Sansa sighed, following behind them. "The both of you are such children! Wait for me!"


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