𝐱𝐢𝐯. love and beauty

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Chapter 14 | LOVE AND BEAUTY

Chapter 14 | LOVE AND BEAUTY

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[ Bran ]

HE WAS NO LONGER A CHILD, but a grown and tall knight. He wore fine white armor, gleaming in the sunlight, with a white cloak. Bran had just won a joust. The crowd cheered for him as he trotted on Dancer before King Joffrey. The Lannister was much nicer in the dream, and Sansa was his beautiful Queen. Ser Barristan and Ser Jaime applauded his victory.

The rest of his family sat on the benches, even Theon and Jon. His father and mother congratulated him, as well as his siblings.

Then he saw her. Sharp yet delicate features. Her brown skin glowed in the sunlight, her long flowing curls shining. Adorned with rich blue silks and embroidery. Like a princess from a fairy tale. His eyes locked with hers. He couldn't help but be infatuated by her.

With his lance, he gently placed a winter rose flower crown on her lap, making her the queen of love and beauty. Her lips curved into a smile as she thanked him. She got up from her seat and approached him as he dismounted the horse.

She looked up at him, her big purple eyes sparkling the way they always have, warming his heart. The world around them faded away as his cold hands held hers, feeling her warmth. They leaned in closer, closing their eyes and parting their lips, ready for a kiss.

Then he woke up.

Bran sighed, if only it were real, if only I were a knight. He looked over at Rhaella, who was still fast asleep. The moonlight shined over her, making her hair appear even more white. He never had a dream such as that before, especially not about her. The more he gazed at her, the more he felt strange and flustered. The wolf still couldn't help but feel sorry for what happened that one night. I'll never fail you again, I swear it.

Unexpectedly, she shot her eyes open. He quickly looked away, but wasn't sure if it was quick enough for her not to notice. His heart pounded wildly from his chest. Oh crap.

She smiled softly, rubbing her eyes, "Bran?"

"Yes?" He asked nervously. Did she catch me staring?

"How long were you awake?"

"Not long," he answered. "I just woke up from a dream."

She sat up and yawned. "Oh?" She laid her back against the tree that was in between them. "What did you dream about?"

I dreamt of you.

"I was a knight," he said, sad. The flames of the fire stared back at him as he looked into it. "And I won a joust too." He frowned, "father, mother, everyone was there . . . you as well."

Her smile slowly faded, "oh, must have been wonderful." She furrowed her eyebrows, giving a curious expression, "hm, your face is red?"

He found himself lost in her eyes, messing up his speech, "oh . . . a-am I?"

She smirked, tilting her head, "what else were you dreaming about, Brandon?"

He looked away, closing his eyes. "Nothing important for you to know, Rhaella."

She giggled quietly, "only teasing." She began to wonder, "so that Reed boy, he says the Raven is an actual person?"

Bran nodded and glanced over at Jojen and Meera sleeping. "He said the Three Eyed Raven sent him to find me, and I need to go beyond the wall . . . but why?"

She shrugged her shoulders. "Maybe we'll find out tomorrow." She let out another quiet yawn, "we should go back to sleep."

He smiled, "goodnight, Rhaella."

"Goodnight, my wolf."

Just like that, she was fast asleep. He laid back down against the furs on the hard ground. After the dream, he couldn't find sleep. He couldn't stop thinking about it. The armor, the glory, and . . . her.

Her smile. It was like a breath of spring. Her purple eyes appearing more amethyst when the sun hit them. Her glowing rich brown skin. Her long curly hair traveling down her back, like a river of snow. Every single detail about her from the dream he remembered. She truly was a vision of beauty, inside and out. A beauty with so much love to give.

I'd crown her queen of love and beauty if I could, he thought.

He tried to sleep again.

But could only see her face when he closed his eyes.

(a/n) Thank you guys for 3k views <3 This chapter was inspired by See You Again by Tyler the Creator, hehe. It's lowkey a vibe if you listen to it while reading the chapter. I need to add more cute moments between them 😭. I'm also thinking about changing the story name but idk what to change it to lol. Maybe Ice and Fire? Let me know what yall think.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06 ⏰

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