𝐱𝐢𝐢. escape

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Chapter 12 | ESCAPE

THEON BARGED INTO THE ROOM, "why aren't you in your chamber?!" The sound of the door swinging open scared both of the children

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THEON BARGED INTO THE ROOM, "why aren't you in your chamber?!" The sound of the door swinging open scared both of the children.

Bran barely kept his eyes open. "Huh?" Rhaella remained silent.

"Don't you 'huh' me!" He commanded. "What are you doing in here?" Theon looked as if he barely got any sleep.

After yawning, Bran glanced down at his feet. "Rhaella, she didn't want to sleep by herself, without her dog."

Theon rose his eyebrow and crossed his arms. "Mhm," he mumbled. "You, in the same bed as her, . . . would your mother approve of this?"

"No . . ."

He leaned against the wall. "And explain to me why one of my men are on the ground, dead, with their throat ripped out."

Bran looked around the room, Summer's gone. "One of our wolves must have been provoked." He glanced down at the glove that covered the scar on his hand. "You know how aggressive they can get."

"Well, those beasts better not do something stupid like that again or else." Theon then smirked. "And since you want to be with your beloved betrothed so much, you'll be staying in here with her for now on, got it?"


Theon gave him a look.

Bran sighed, "yes, my prince."

"Good." He smiled wickedly. "Don't think about leaving the chamber, the servants will attend to your needs."

After he left, Rhaella mumbled, "he was supposed to be family . . . and he betrayed us."

The servants entered the room with their clothes for the day. On opposite sides of the room, the servants helped them put on their clothes. Rhaella wore a simple black dress. She also had the servants give her a black laced choker to cover the bruise around her neck. Bran dressed princely like he always did.

They sat on the bed, eating the breakfast given to them. "How will we escape?" Rhaella whispered. "His guards are at the gates."

"The hunter's gate is our best option." Bran answered, covering his mouth with his hands as he ate. "If we sneak out that way, we'll go straight into the woods without having to escape through Winterstown." I couldn't save you then, so let me save you now, he thought. "Osha and the wolves will take care of the guards over there."

She took a deep breath in and out, "okay." He placed his hand on top of hers. "Hey," he said gently. "We're going to be okay."

[ Rhaella ]

After a long day of sitting around, it was finally almost time to escape. Theon did his last room check of the day, making sure no one went anywhere. "Why are you dressed as if someone died?" Theon chuckled menacingly. She said nothing, leaving him uncomfortable. "Well, don't worry, soon enough, my sister will arrive and we will figure out what to do with you. Maybe the both of you could see the Iron Islands."

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