𝐱. prince theon

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Chapter 10 | PRINCE THEON


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THE DOOR SUDDENLY KICKED OPEN, startling Rhaella. "Get up," Theon commanded, "Get dressed, and wake your beloved betrothed." Snowbell barked and growled nonstop at Theon. She rubbed her eyes and yawned, "Theon, what's going on?"

"I'll explain to you and Bran once you wake him."

She did as he requested, throwing on a simple grey gown, embroidered with leaves. She picked up Snowbell and went into Bran's room, waking him up. The puppy licked his face. "Rhae?" He asked, "What's happened?" Theon walked in with a Pyke soldier, "I've taken your castle."

"What?" Bran asked, still half asleep. By the looks of Bran's face, he didn't take Theon very seriously by those words. After Theon repeated himself, the children stared at him with blank faces, tilting their heads. Theon sighed and rolled his eyes. "I am taking Winterfell. I sent men over the walls with grappling claws and ropes."

"Why?" Bran asked calmly.

"To take the castle."

"But Robb?" Rhaella asked.

"He sent me back to Pyke. At the end of the day, I'm a Greyjoy, I can't fight for Robb and my father both."

"Theon, how could you?" She asked.

"Like I said, my true loyalties will always be with my house. I'm a Greyjoy, not a Stark. Now, the both of you will go down to the courtyard and tell the folk that you've yielded the castle to me."

"No," Rhaella said. Bran sat up, "We'd never yield, if you challenge us, we will fight you and throw you out."

Theon sighed and sat on the bed. "Here's the deal, I already have the castle, but the people are still yours. As a prince and princess, you should want to keep your people safe." He looked over at Rhaella, "you want them safe, don't you?" All she could do was nod. The people shouldn't be tortured because of our decisions.

"Good, Bran, you get dressed and the both of you meet me outside."

After he left, the both of them were conflicted. "I think I'm going to yield," Bran said in defeat, clothing himself. "I want to fight for the castle, for the people, but he will hurt them." Rhaella agreed, stroking Snowbell's fur, "I know, I want to fight for the castle too, but you're right. We need to think about the people."

Theon completely lost it. After Bran announced he yielded the castle, many people didn't like that Theon stole a castle from a boy. One of the people in the crowd kept insulting him until a Pyke solder struck him at the back of his head. "No!" Rhaella shouted. She started to move to Theon until Bran took her hand to stop her, "No, don't. He will hurt you. If not him, his soldiers will." Rhaella wanted to protest but kept silent.

"Maester Luwin, send a raven to Pyke informing my father of my victory!" Theon commanded.

"Stealing a castle from children isn't a victory . . ." Rhae mumbled. It was only loud enough for Bran to hear. Luwin left to do as commanded.

Osha emerged from the crowd, approaching Theon, "my Lord Greyjoy." Bran and Rhaella watched in confusion as she tried to warm up to the new prince, asking to let her serve him. Theon laughed, "so you can bury a spear into my neck? Do you take me for a fool? Step aside!" He shoved her out of the way next to the children.

Bran asked, "why?"

"Your dream, little prince," she said. "The ocean has come to swallow this place. I ain't letting it drown me."

Theon announced to the crowd, "you'll all go about your tasks as usual, and in a few days' time—"

Two of his soldiers entered through the gates with Ser Rodrick. "We caught this one leaving from Torrhen Square!" Theon and Rodrick began arguing back and forth until he spat at Theon's face. Theon wanted him taken to a prison cell until one of his soldiers advised him to do something else instead. Theon looked back at Ser Rodrick, "I sentence you to death!" Everyone gasped at those words. "No!" Bran shouted. "You said no harm would come to anyone if we yielded!"

"The old man couldn't keep his mouth shut!" Theon replied.

"You promised, Theon!" Rhaella yelled. She tried to hold back her tears. The rain began to pour down even harder. Snowbell yelped and pushed herself out of Rhaella's arms. "Snowbell, no!" The pup ran off.

Maester Luwin tried to convince Theon not to go through with it, but it wasn't enough

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Maester Luwin tried to convince Theon not to go through with it, but it wasn't enough. They forced Ser Rodrick to ground, laying his head on a flat platform. The children continued their pleas for him to stop. Theon drew out his sword. Rickon left Osha's arms and went into Rhaella's. She turned him to face her, "Don't look Rickon! Look at me!" He bursted into tears, doing as she said. Bran cried out, "Someone stop him, please!"

"Don't worry about me little one, I'm off to see your father." Rodrick yelled out to him.

Those were his last words. Theon struck his neck with a sword. He did it a couple of times to finally get the head off, traumatizing the children. Rhaella felt something grow inside of her that moment. She didn't know what it was. Without thinking, she ran to Theon, and screamed, "You're no prince! Lord Stark would be ashamed of you, traitor!"

"Rhae, no!" Bran shouted.

Theon could only stare at her with one eye twitching. A soldier whispered to him, "You're going to let that foreign girl disrespect you? She ought to be whipped."

Theon sighed. He knew that it would be disgraceful to hit a girl. Lord Stark taught him that. "Strike her." He told him. The soldier walked up to Rhaella. He was so tall that she had to lift her head all the way up to see him. He swung his arm out.


He struck her right cheek in the face with the back of his hand.


Then he struck the left.

Her cheeks felt like they were burning. She fell on her behind, still processing what happened. "No!" Bran screamed. He ran over to her and held her. "You have my castle, the people are under your command, you have everything! Now leave us alone!"

"She's lucky she didn't face worse punishment," one of the soldiers spat.

"Take them to their chambers," Theon commanded. "They will be under house arrest."

"Wait!" Bran said. He helped Rhaella stand up. "Her dog ran off because of the weather, can we look for it first?" Theon glanced down at Rhaella, her face red from the slaps and water in her eyes. He rolled his eyes, "fine, but two of my men will accompany you, in case you try anything smart."

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