𝐢𝐢𝐢. the gift

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Chapter 3 | THE GIFT

Chapter 3 | THE GIFT

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[ Daenerys ]

DANY HAD A STRANGE FEELING. Something did not feel right. Is Rhaella in danger? She was lost in her thoughts as the Dothraki warriors fought over one of the dancers. She felt as if a part of herself was missing, empty. She began to worry. Her anxiousness made her sick in the stomach. She lightly flinched at the sound and sight of a warrior's head being slashed off.

The victor took the dancer then and there before her and the Khal. Illyrio did say that it wasn't a Dothraki wedding without death. She glanced at the man who was now her husband. He was amused by the violence, smiling to himself.

She sighed and turned her head back to the crowd. A blonde, grown man approached before them. Khal Drogo greeted him in Dothraki tongue and he answered him back with a bow. She turned to Viserys, he also had a curious look on his face. Who is this man?

"A small gift for the new Khaleesi," the man said

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"A small gift for the new Khaleesi," the man said. He handed her a stack of three books. "The songs and histories of the seven kingdoms."

She smiled. "Thank you, sir." Tilting her head, she asked softly. "Forgive me, you do not look like you are from around here. Are you . . . from my country?"

"Ser Jorah Mormont of Bear Island," he answered. "I served your father for many years." He looked over at Viserys, "gods be good, I hope to always serve the rightful king." Viserys gave a nod of approval.

Dany smiled at the man as he returned to his seat. Illyrio signaled the slaves to bring over something. Two of the slaves brought before her a chest. It was of the color bronze. Once they opened it, her eyes sparkled in awe. There laid four dragon eggs, resting on top of fine velvets. They were the most beautiful things she had ever laid her eyes upon.

One, black with scarlet ripples. The second, deep green with bronze flecks. The third, pale cream with gold streaks. The last one, a pale blue with hints of purple swirls. She gently picked the black one up, the biggest of them all.

"Dragons eggs, Daenerys," Illyrio said. "From the shadow lands beyond Asshai. The ages have turned them to stone, but they will always be beautiful."

Dany placed the egg down and glanced at the blue one. She picked it up. A smile crept up from the corners of her lips. It's blue. Blue was her favorite, she remembered. This one shall be hers.

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