𝐯. farewell

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Chapter 5 | FAREWELL

EVERYDAY, BRAN AND RHAELLA would go into the godswood

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EVERYDAY, BRAN AND RHAELLA would go into the godswood. There, he practiced his walking as much as he could. Rhaella caught him anytime he fell, like a baby walking for the first time. He also started gaining his weight back due to eating so much. Boys have such huge appetites.

They sat on one of the strong branches of the weirwood tree, taking a break. "Gōntan Aegon gūrogon nykeā ābrazȳrys? (Did Aegon ever take a wife)," Bran asked. Rhaella opened the history book and read, "Yes, Queen Helaena Targaryen's daughter, Jaehaera . . .but then she died."

"What happened to her?" He frowned.

"It says that she possibly threw herself from a window, suicide. Another account says that it was murder." She said, "Aegon's hand threw a Maiden's Ball to find a new wife."

"Did he find someone?"

"It says here that his half sisters brought forth a wife for him, Daenaera Velaryon. It says that she was only six years old, but still breathtakingly beautiful and a happy little girl. She smiled at Aegon and he returned a smile back. Everyone knew right then and there who the new queen would be," Rhaella said, "Aegon wasn't so gloomy anymore after her company."

That made Bran smile, "she sounds a lot like you."

"Children!" Maester Luwin shouted. "Bran's saddle is ready for use!"

Bran was so excited to finally be able to ride again, he could barely contain himself. Robb helped him mount on his stallion, using the special straps of the saddle. Rhaella mounted on hers. She ran her fingers through the mare's long blonde mane. Cloud sounds like a cute name, she thought to herself.

After Robb and Theon mounted their horses, all of them rode out to wolfswood. The two children raced around the woods, filling the forest with laughter and shouting.

"Not too fast!" Robb smiled. Rhaella noticed Robb and Theon acting strange lately, always having conversations with concerned looks on their faces, but Rhaella knew they would not tell her.

This had been the first time the both of them rode on grown horses, instead of ponies. Rhaella loved it. The speed gradually increased, she could feel the excitement growing within her. The breeze of the wind blowing through the silver curls.

Bran lost control of the horse, going off into a different direction. "Umbagon syt nyke!" Rhaella yelled, making her horse go after his. Before they knew it, they were lost. "Where are we?" She asked.

They heard the sound of a stick snapping. "Robb?" Bran asked curiously. It wasn't Robb, instead, a group of wildlings. Two men and one woman. They wanted to take the horses. "I can't!" Bran said, "the saddle, the straps!"

"What are you, some kind of cripple?" One of the men asked.

The other man eyed Rhaella. "This one is a beauty," he said with a perverted smile. "She become useful for us in the future, let's take her with us!"

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