𝐱𝐢. snowbell's death

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TW: violence, blood, and death (it's not too detailed but I thought I should still put a warning)

Also thank you guys for 2k views <3 I'm so grateful! Please don't forget to vote and feel free to ask any questions, I'll answer the best I can!


AFTER THE RAIN AND THUNDER CLEARED, Rhaella couldn't find Snowbell anywhere

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AFTER THE RAIN AND THUNDER CLEARED, Rhaella couldn't find Snowbell anywhere. They continued to search. "Does your face still hurt?" Bran asked. Her cheeks were still slightly red from the slaps, but that was the least of her concerns. "A little," she said.

"That's enough searching," one of the soldiers said. She didn't want to stop. "Rhaella, we looked everywhere we could." Bran placed his hand on her shoulder. "And it's getting dark outside, we should go back to the Great Keep."

She sighed, "okay." They went back into their chambers, getting ready for bed. She slipped on her delicate laced, ruffled, white nightgown and laid in bed. Hugging her dragon egg tightly, she closed her eyes. She tossed and turned. Sleep became difficult due to her worrying about Snowbell. Her heart pounded as she sat up. She's out there somewhere, Rhaella thought. I could look around a little more. She knew it was a stupid risk, but she had to find the pup. Theon doesn't have that much men yet, I can sneak my way out.

She hopped out of bed, wrapping a white cloak around herself. Quietly, the little princess snuck out of the Great Keep. The ground was muddy from the rain, every step she took making a mushy sound. Winterfell was quite eerie at night.

"Snowbell!" She whispered loudly.

She continued to search outside of the Keep. "Snowbell—"

Suddenly, she felt big, strong arms wrapped around her, making her gasp. "What are you doing around here?" The man's voice was deep, and menacing. For a moment he sounded like Viserys. It was one of the Ironborn men. "You should be in your chambers as Prince Theon commanded!" One hand gripped her neck, the other gripping her chest.

Overwhelming fear came over her, causing her to stutter. "I- I- I'm sorry, sir," she said, her voice trembling. The memories of her cousin came back to her. He squeezed tighter every time she attempted to wiggle out of his arms. The armor he wore caused pain. "I was only looking for my dog . . . she's lost—"

She felt as if her heart almost stopped. There Snowbell was in the distance, her body lying lifeless in the mud with blood. No, she thought. It can't be . . .

"You mean that dog over there?" He scoffed. "That rat wouldn't shut up, so we took care of it." As he laughed, she could see his crooked teeth. "Do you know what the Ironborn do to girls that are disobedient?"

Someone, anyone, please save me . . .



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