coffee (18+)

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It's Saturday morning. Elena has decided to spend the morning in the city center. She needs some new clothes and a visit to the many libraries and bookstores will certainly not be missed. After visiting several shops, Elena decides to have some coffee in a coffee shop. She orders a cappuccino and sits down at a long table right in front of the window. She takes a newly purchased book from her bag. Puts it on the table and starts reading while enjoying her cappuccino.

'Moby Dick! You know your classics.' A man sits next to her. 'I assume this place was free? Or am I disturbing you?'
"No, come sit," Elena smiles at him. "I'm Mattheo by the way," the man extends his hand. Elena shakes his hand and introduces herself to him. 'I'm here regularly on Saturdays, but this is the first time I've seen you here. Are you from out of town or are you new here?' Matteo asks. And so a pleasant conversation arises between the two.
Suddenly, Elena sees someone walking past the window who looks suspiciously like someone she knows. Was that George? She must have imagined it. She was so busy chatting that she couldn't see it very clear.

Suddenly Mattheo looks up in surprise and falls silent for a moment. Before Elena can wonder why Mattheo is suddenly quiet, she feels a hand on her shoulder and someone standing close to her. Elena is shocked. "So this is how you spend your free time." She hears a familiar male voice say. She turns around. It's George. He must have looked at Mattheo very intently because before Elena can introduce them to each other, Mattheo decides to quickly walk away. "I'll leave you two alone for a moment." And Mattheo quickly looks for another seat on the other side of the coffee shop.

'I haven't seen you for one day and I already have to fight the men off you. You are giving me a lot of work to do Elena.' George winks at her.
He sits down next to her where Mattheo once sat and gently strokes her back. Elena missed his touch. He does seduce her every now and then with a soft touch here and there, but nothing more than that happened. After all, they are also at work where many other colleagues are walking around the workplace.

A waitress brings George his order. An American coffee and a cheesecake.
"No espresso this time?" Elena asks, "No, when I'm free, it can be a little less strong." George jokes. He looks at his cheesecake. 'To share?' A cheesecake is hard to resist. 'I'd like a snack.' George puts his fork in the cake and brings the fork to Elena's mouth. She carefully takes the cheesecake from his fork. 'The best cheesecakes in town.' George says while also taking a bite of his cheesecake. George places his hand on her thigh as he feeds her the next bite. George and Cheesecake, that combination isn't to bad. Elena thinks.

"So you come here often?" Elena asks, somewhat startled from her thoughts. George laughs. "This is the first time someone has tried to hit me up with such a bad opening line." They laugh. "Come on, I have something to show you." George says when the cheesecake is finished. They walk outside and Elena grabs his arm. For a moment she is afraid of his reaction because she has never been the first to touch. But George continues walking quietly. He runs his fingers over the hand she just put through his arm and he winks at her.

A small park has been created in the middle of all the towering buildings. Children play in the soft rays of sunshine and people let their dogs run on the grass. The weather is beautiful for this time of year and everyone seems to be enjoying it to the fullest. After walking a bit through the park, the two stop in front of one of the tall buildings. George holds a pass in front of the door and guides Elena inside. 'What is this?' Elena wonders out loud. "Be patient Elena." They get into the elevator. George presses the button for the top floor. When the doors close, George puts the hair back on Elena's neck and presses her firmly but pleasantly against the side wall of the elevator. His breath comes closer again and before Elena realizes what is about to happen, his lips touch hers. George kisses her passionately and caresses her back and neck. Elena had been longing for this for days. Their passionate make-out session is interrupted by the elevator bell. They have arrived on the top floor. The doors open. George takes a key from his pocket and turns the lock on the door. 'This is where I live.'

Before Elena can get a good look inside, she is lifted by George. Without any effort, George puts Elena over his shoulder. Elena lets out a soft scream. George chuckles. The penthouse appears to have a staircase with an extra floor. Elena is lifted up the stairs over George's shoulder. George pauses for a moment and she hears a door open. A few seconds later she is thrown onto her back onto a bed in a somewhat heavy-handed manner. Elena lies on the bed and looks up at George who towers over her. "I don't know what you're doing to me Elena, but I can't resist you." George leans over Elena and kisses her neck. Elena feels his hands on her hips. His hands grab her t-shirt and before she knows it she is lying on his bed in her bra. George looks at her body with delight and starts kissing her again. Slowly but firmly he works his way down until he almost ends up between her legs. A hand lands on the button of her pants and with a quick flexible movement he loosens that too. George looks at Elena's body with pleasure after he has also taken off her pants.

Elena feels George's hands slide under her thighs and with a firm pull she is pulled down a bit onto the mattress. She feels his warm hand between her legs. Elena moans softly. George loves that she is enjoying him. George fingers gently spread her labia apart and she feels his soft breath between her legs. Not much later the caressing with his tongue follows. Very slowly only pleasuring her clit. The movements become a bit bigger and every now and then George pushes his tongue into her. Elena starts to moan a little louder. "Show me how much you enjoy me Elena." George groans at her. Elena feels the familiar warm wave in her body increasing again. George's caresses become more and more intense.
When Elena is about to reach her climax, George quickly stops licking and pushes his member into her. George feels her muscles contract around his member. He groans and thrusts firmly into her a few times.
Elena moans loudly from not quite reaching her climax and from George's deep thrusting.
"This is your punishment for flirting with another men." George leans forward while thrusting and places his hand somewhat firmly on her throat. "Say that you're mine Elena!" and even harder George thrusts into Elena. She moans loudly. 'I am yours. All yours.' Elena feels his member swell a little further inside her. Two deep final thrusts and George slowly slides out of her again. "You're mine Elena." He repeats again.

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