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Elena wakes up slowly. She hears a noise behind her and the smell of frying bacon. There is a nice soft blanket over her. It takes her a moment to realize where she is. Oh no, I didn't fall asleep here on Mr. Smith's couch, did I?!
Elena is startled and wants to get up off the couch but feels a hand on her shoulder that stops her and pushes her back onto the couch.
"Good morning beautiful," George's voice sounds calm. "Sorry George, I didn't mean to..." Before Elena can finish her sentence, George pushes a plate of breakfast into her hands. "I hope you're hungry, I really did my best for you to make you a tasty breakfast." George winks.
Elena looks at him, smiles and is somewhat surprised. She had actually wanted to get away quickly, afraid of his reaction because she had fallen asleep. But she's glad he makes her feel welcome.

After Elena has enjoyed her breakfast, she gets up from the couch. She takes the dishes to the kitchen where George is clearing away. 'Thanks for breakfast, George. I'll clean it up.' George takes the dishes from her and smiles at her. 'No way. I'm sure you'd like to freshen up first.' Elena is indeed in need of freshening up. But she doesn't have any clean clothes or toiletries. She suggests going home and freshening up there. Even though she really enjoys being with George again.
When Elena has ask George to simply go back to her apartment because she misses clean clothes and toiletries, George places his hand on her lower back and guides her up the stairs to the bathroom. Elena gets goosebumps at his touch.

"Elena, I have arranged everything for you. I had my driver drive to your house while you were still sound asleep this morning and he took some clothes out of your closet and picked up toiletries.” Elena blushes. "I hope you don't mind that I sent him to your house." George winks at her.

George opens the bathroom door for Elena. There are two wonderfully soft towels ready for her and even the bath is already full. And there burns a lovely scented candle. Elena's toiletries are neatly displayed and there is an outfit of clean clothes ready for her. Her things are arranged so neatly. It seems like she lives here and belongs here. Elena gets butterflies in her stomach at the thought.

George runs his hand over her hair. "Take your time Elena. I'll wait for you downstairs." 

Elena is amazed by the luxurious and large bathroom. It's like a big spa. A lovely large bathtub. A large rain shower, with massage jets and infrared light. Made for two people to shower next to each other and there is even a sauna!

Elena gets into the bath and enjoys the warm water. After taking a bath, she decides to take a shower. This is how she would like to start the day every morning. When she finishes showering, she puts on the clothes that were laid out for her. Elena is surprised at how well everything has been selected and blushes to think that George or his driver carefully selected her underwear.

When Elena is refreshed, she walks down the stairs. George stands by the coffee machine and smiles at her. 'Nice and refreshed, beautiful?' George asks as he presses a cup of cappuccino into her hands. "I expected you in the bathroom for much longer."
George notices that Elena's confidence has almost completely returned. Just what he had hoped.

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