chapter 7- Bad signs

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Later that night, TJ was at his house...

He sat there debating his thoughts so reluctantly he grabbed his laptop again and searched a different thing up. William Afton. What came up was almost too surprising and he nearly clicked off the screen when he saw it. There was actually photos of what had happened to his daughter and son.

But then...

"Holy shit... Teaghan might actually be right... I can't believe this.." they showed copies of the missing posters... A girl named Susie, a boy named Gabriel and a little girl named Cassidy....

TJ quickly shut the laptop, looking at the wall for a moment.. lost in his thoughts.

...He needs to talk to Teaghan. Quickly but some insane part of his mind said he had more important things to worry about.. like his boss for instance might be a murderer.

The next morning when TJ had come to work, he came a bit earlier than usual. His pace fairly fast as he walked into the staff room and walked right into-

"Oh hey TJ, you should watch where your going.. didn't expect to see you here this early." Williams cold voice spoke smoothly as he smiled at TJ, TJ immediately pictures him with a knife and looked back down.

"U-uhm Mr Afton! I just wanted to be in time, why are you here so early?" TJ tried to hide the stress in his voice. He looked at William, trying to appear normal and calm.. when in reality he hasn't slept at all last night.

"I was working on something, figured I should come early to finish it. Are you okay? You seem to be in a bit of a rush." TJ bit his inner lip and stood up straight. He shook his head hesitantly.

"I just drank to much coffee I suppose.. it's nothing I'm fine."

William eyed TJ suspiciously, before shrugging. "If you need anything just come to me. You know where my office is. Have a good morning TJ."

TJ watched William walk out of the staff room. He grumbled "sure yeah that's there's a 60% chance your a killer."

TJ sat down and ran his fingers through his hair, feeling immensely tired and scared all at once. He heard the door open and he looked up at Teaghan.

"Teaghan I need to talk to you, quickly." He marched over to Teaghan and grabbed her shoulders, Teaghan looked at him in surprise.

"Uhm sure... What's up Tj? I can tell you are clearly startled." Teaghan yawned and looked at him, her gaze soft and weary.

"I... I believe you.. about Mr Afton and the animatronics... I believe everything..." He tried to organize his mind, before speaking again.

"I was doing some research last night right? And I read some stuff that makes sense to what you were saying yesterday and... I believe you! It makes total sense." There was sweat dripping off his face, he wiped it off and rubbed his eyes.

Teaghan looked a little shocked but not really, she dropped her voice to a whisper "now listen, if William hears a peep of this... He'll probably have our jobs okay? So now that you believe me... I need to tell you something that might seem crazy,and you have to believe me."

TJ nodded. He leaned closer to her to hear better.

"I think... That some of those suits in the back... Might have something bad.. really bad... inside them...that's why William is always inside the parts and service.." Teaghan looked dead serious.

"... You really think so?..." He felt a little sick in his stomach. He looked at her, his eyes strained and tired.

Teaghan nodded. "...are you okay? You look a little pale.."

TJ felt a little pale, he looked at Teaghan once before turning and puking in the little corner garbage can. There goes breakfast. He figured.

Teaghan took a step back "Christ you should go home.." TJ wiped his mouth and looked at her, feeling like crap.

"I'll tell William you got sick.. alright? Just go and get some rest, try not to think about what happened..." Teaghan sighed.

"... I.. okay .. thanks alot Teaghan... I suppose your going home soon aswell..." TJ stood upright and walked past Teaghan, out of the pizzaria and back into his car.

Little did neither of the two know William saw the whole thing happened on camera, his face crumpled with frustration. He couldn't let those two investigate his work,his remnant.. he knew that he could easily dispose of them both but he needed a more... Subtle way to do it.

He sat back in his chair, looking up at the photo of him and Henry when they opened the diner. he chuckled softly at the thought of what he had done last night...

Teaghan took a deep breath and knocked on the door, William shouted "come in" ..

William smiled at Teaghan "ah Teaghan, what can I do for ya?" Teaghan yawned in response.

"I wanted to let you know that TJ probably isn't able to do his shift.. he got sick shortly after you had left... I told him to go home and rest.. if that's alright with you." She looked at William, the face of a killer, she figured.

William chuckled "thank you for informing me, I'll be sure I can get someone to fill in. You have a good day Teaghan. Tell tj if you see him my deepest concerns and that I hope he gets better."

Teaghan nodded once solemnly and turned to leave, her mind wandering to dark places as she left his office.

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