Chapter 1

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I started writing this story many years ago - and it's taking me awhile to complete it. I am currently in the process of editing and revising what I have already written and hope to complete this story by the end of 2019 (fingers crossed). I welcome feedback, both good and bad, as I can only learn from it. 

Thank you for taking the time to read my story.  I hope you enjoy it.


The black van was parked outside her house, its presence a mystery. Sarah wondered who owned it. She watched as its doors opened and two shadowy figures alighted. They made their way towards her house.

"Dad" she called "Dad! We've got visitors."

She watched as the two men opened the white picket gate and walked up the well worn path, lined on both sides with her mother's favourite flowers, white iceberg roses.

She couldn't see their faces but there was something sinister about them, something she couldn't quite place. "Dad, there are two guys here. They own the black van out front."

"What darling, what was that you said?"

Her father entered the room, still dressed in his work gear of business shirt, tie and tailored grey trousers.

"There's two men coming up the path, they own the van out there," she pointed out the lounge room window.

Her father strode over to see.

"Go upstairs Sarah" he said, in an authoritative tone "and don't come down until I call you."

"But Dad, DAD what's going on?"

"Nothing for you to worry about" he said as he pushed her towards the stairs. "Helen, Helen, can you come here a minute please."

Helen, Sarah's mother came bursting out of the kitchen after hearing the urgency in her husband's voice. She was a small woman and Sarah was surprised to see her holding a large kitchen knife. Seeing her daughter, Helen put her hand behind her back and asked in a pleasant tone what all the fuss was about.

"Sarah, upstairs now please."

"Oh, alright." She reluctantly ascended the stairs, but stopped at the top. She tried to listen to what her parents were saying, but their voices were low and she could only hear whispered murmurs. What was going on?

She heard the front door open and voices raised in anger, there was a crash and Sarah found herself running down the stairs.

Her parents were locked in a fight with the two men; her mother was using the kitchen knife to hold one of the men at bay, while her father was using his fists to fight the other guy. Surprised at the skills her parents were showing, Sarah couldn't help but let out a gasp. Her father heard "Get upstairs Sarah, I'll be up in a minute" he puffed as he landed a right hook on the other man's jaw. She watched as her father's foe buckled at the knees and went down for the count.

"Upstairs, NOW!! And lock the door"

Sarah took off and made for her room. Once inside she closed the door and bolted it. She had never used the lock before; there had never been any need. She sat down on her bed and waited.

Her eyes wandered around her room, her safe and secure room. She looked at her collection of teddy bears on the shelf, at the photographs of her family and friends, the doll her grandmother had left her. It was the only doll she owned, she had never had much time for them, preferring to ride her bike, climb trees or read a book. There was something about this doll though; she had never wanted to get rid of it. She had thought about it, but could never quite bring herself to give it away. She went over to where it sat, still in the box her grandmother had left it in, and picked it up. She was made of porcelain, her richly detailed face a testament to the craftsman who had made her. "You really are beautiful," she murmured to herself. She saw the card tucked down the side of the box, pulled it out and began to read.

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